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order or orders enforcing the arbitrator's award shall be served on all Parties by hand or by <br />delivery to their address as shown on this Agreement (for a Union), as shown on their business <br />contract for work under this Agreement (for a Contractor) and to the representing Union (for an <br />employee), by certified mail by the Party or Parties first alleging the violation. <br />7.8.6 Any rights created by statute or law governing arbitration proceedings <br />inconsistent with the above procedure or which interfere with compliance hereto are hereby <br />waived by the Parties to whom they accrue. <br />7.8.7 The fees and expenses of the arbitrator shall be equally divided between the Party <br />or Parties initiating this procedure and the respondent Party or Parties. <br />ARTICLE 8 <br />WORK ASSIGNMENTS AND JURISDICTIONAL DISPUTES <br />Section 8.1 Assignment of Worlc The assignment of Project Work will be solely the <br />responsibility of the Employer performing the work involved; and such work assignments will be <br />in accordance with the Plan for the Settlement of Jurisdictional Disputes in the Construction <br />Industry (the "Plan") or any successor Plan. <br />Section 8.2 The Plan All jurisdictional disputes on Project Work between or among the <br />building and construction trades Unions and the Employers parties to this Agreement, shall be <br />settled and adjusted according to the present Plan established by the Building and Construction <br />Trades Department or any other plan or method of procedure that may be adopted in the future <br />by the Building and Construction Trades Department. Decisions rendered shall be final, binding <br />and conclusive on the Employers and Unions parties to this Agreement. <br />8.2.1 If a dispute arising under this Article involves the Southwest Regional Council of <br />Carpenters or any of its subordinate bodies, an Arbitrator shall be chosen by the procedures <br />specified in Article V, Section 5, of the Plan from a list composed of John Kagel, Thomas <br />Angelo, Robert Kirsch, and Thomas Pagan, and the Arbitrator's hearing on the dispute shall be <br />held at the offices of the Trades Council within 14 days of the selection of the Arbitrator. All <br />other procedures shall. be as specified in the Plan. <br />Section 8.3 No Work Disruption Over Jurisdiction All jurisdictional disputes shall be <br />resolved without the occurrence of any strike, work stoppage, or slow -down of any nature, and <br />the Employer's assignment shall be adhered to until the dispute is resolved. Individuals violating <br />this section shall be subject to immediate discharge. <br />Section 8.4 Pre -Job Conferences As provided in Article 16, each Contractor will conduct a <br />pre job conference with the appropriate affected Union(s) prior to commencing work. The <br />Trades Council and the CWA Administrator shall be advised in advance of all such conferences <br />and may participate if they wish, <br />Section 8.5 Resolution of Jurisdictional Disputes If any actual or threatened strike, sympathy <br />strike, work stoppage, slow down, picketing, hand -billing or otherwise advising the public that a <br />Find Draft Community Workforce Agreement <br />6.22.17 20 City of Santa Ana <br />