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the date and time when entry will be made. Optionor shall make the Parcel available as soon as <br />reasonably practical thereafter. The license and permission to enter upon, over, under and/or <br />across the Parcel shall commence on the Effective Date and shall expire upon termination of this <br />Agreement. <br />5.3. Prior to entry onto the Parcel, Optionee shall secure, and shall require its <br />contractors, if any, to secure an insurance policy or policies, as described below. <br />5.3.1. Notwithstanding any inconsistent statement in the insurance policy or any <br />subsequent endorsement attached thereto, the protection afforded by these policies <br />shall be written on an occurrence basis in which Optionor, and its respective <br />elected and appointed officials, officers, employees, agents and representatives <br />(together, "Additional Insureds') are named as additional insureds on all <br />coverage, except for workers' compensation coverage, and shall (on or prior to <br />the Effective Date, Optionee shall provide to Optionee the complete legal names <br />of all Additional Insureds): <br />(a) Name Additional Insureds as additional insureds on a Commercial General <br />Liability policy; <br />(b) Provide a combined single limit of broad form commercial general liability <br />insurance in the amount of Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) per occurrence, <br />which will be considered equivalent to the required minimum limits, and such <br />insurance shall (i) be written on an occurrence form, (ii) be written with a primary <br />policy form with limits of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence; (iii) be written <br />with one or more excess layers to bring the total of primary and excess coverage <br />limits to not less than $2,000,000 per occurrence, (iv) not be written with a <br />deductible greater than $25,000 per occurrence, (v) contain a waiver of <br />subrogation in favor of Optionor; <br />(c) Provide automobile liability insurance for owned, non -owned, and hired <br />vehicles, as applicable to, or for any use related to, the Work, in an amount not <br />less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) combined single limit, with excess <br />insurance coverage to bring the total amount of automobile liability insurance <br />coverage to an amount not less than Two Million Dollars ($2,000,000) per <br />accident for bodily injury and property damage; <br />5.3.2. Optionee shall notify Optionor not less than thirty (30) days before any <br />expiration, cancellation, or non -renewal of such policy or policies; and <br />5.3.3. Optionee shall furnish certificates of insurance and endorsements to <br />Optionor prior to entry onto the Parcel pursuant to this Section. <br />5.3.4. Optionee shall comply with Sections 3700 and 3800 of the Labor Code by <br />securing, paying for and maintaining in full force and effect during the Term, and <br />continuing prior to entry onto the Parcel pursuant to this Section, with the earlier <br />to occur of expiration of the Term complete workers' compensation insurance, to <br />statutory limits, with employer's liability limits not less than One Million Dollars <br />($1,000,000) per occurrence, and shall furnish a Certificate of Insurance to <br />Optionor prior to entry onto the Parcel pursuant to this Section, before the <br />commencement of Work. All Additional Insureds shall not be responsible for any <br />