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Furthermore, according to SCAQMD Rule 403, Projects can either water unpaved roads 3 times per day, <br />water unpaved roads 1 time per day and limit vehicle speeds to 15 mph, or apply a chemical stabilizer <br />(see excerpt below) (p. 403-21, Table 2). 14 <br />Table 2 Woutintted) <br />FUGITIVE DUST <br />SOURCECATEGORY <br />CONTROL ACTIONS <br />Unpaved Roads <br />(48) Water all roads used for any vehicular tret£c at <br />least once per every two hours of active <br />operations [3 times per normal 8 hour work day]; <br />OR <br />(4b) Water all roads used for any vehicular traffic <br />once daily and restrict vehicle speeds to 15 nules <br />per hour OR. <br />(4c) Apply a chemical stabilizer to all unpaved road <br />surfaces in sufficient quaoti[y and frequency to <br />maintain a stabilized surface. <br />As you can see in the above excerpt, to simply comply with SCAQM D Rule 403, the Project may either <br />water unpaved roads 3 times per day, water unpaved roads 1 time per day and limit vehicle speeds to <br />15 mph, or apply a chemical stabilizer. Thus, none of the measures included in the CaIEEMod model are <br />explicitly required by SCAQMD Rule 403, and we cannot verify their inclusion in the model. By including <br />construction -related mitigation measures without properly committing to their implementation, the <br />model may underestimate the Project's construction -related emissions and should not be relied upon to <br />determine Project significance. <br />IncorrectApplication of Operational Mitigation Measures <br />Review of the Project's CaIEEMod output files demonstrates that the model incorrectly includes several <br />mobile-, area-, and water -related operational mitigation measures. As a result, the Project's operational <br />emissions may be underestimated, and the model should not be relied upon to determine Project <br />significance. <br />First, the Project's CaIEEMod output files reveal that the model included the following two (2) mobile - <br />related operational mitigation measures: "Increase Density' and "Increase Diversity' (see excerpt <br />below) (Appendix B, pp. 102, 134, 255). <br />4.1 Mitigation Measures Mobile <br />Increase Density <br />Increase Diversity <br />Second, the Project's CaIEEMod output files reveal that the model included the "Use only Natural Gas <br />Hearths" area -related operational mitigation measure (see excerpt below) (Appendix B, pp. 106, 138 <br />261). <br />14 "RULE 403. FUGITIVE DUST." SCAQMD, June 2005, available at: htto:// <br />b oo k/ r u l e-i v/ r u l e-403. o d f. <br />75C-84 <br />