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the table above, although we do not recommend utilizing these values for health risk analysis. <br />Regardless, the excess cancer risk to adults, children, infants, and during the 3'd trimester of pregnancy <br />at the MEIR located approximately 75 meters away, over the course of Project construction and <br />operation, without age sensitivity factors, are approximately 9.4, 28, 12, and 0.53 in one million, <br />respectively. The excess cancer risk over the course of a residential lifetime (30 years), without age <br />sensitivity factors, is approximately 50 in one million. The infant, child, and lifetime cancer risks, without <br />age sensitivity factors, all exceed the SCAQMD threshold of 10 in one million, thus resulting in a <br />potentially significant impact not previously addressed or identified by the Addendum. While we <br />recommend the use of age sensitivity factors, health risk impacts exceed the SCAQMD threshold <br />regardless. <br />An agency must include an analysis of health risks that connects the Project's air emissions with the <br />health risk posed by those emissions. Our analysis represents a screening -level HRA, which is known to <br />be conservative and tends to err on the side of health protection. 30 The purpose of the screening -level <br />construction and operational HRA shown above is to demonstrate the link between the proposed <br />Project's emissions and the potential health risk. Our screening -level HRA demonstrates that <br />construction and operation of the Project could result in a potentially significant health risk impact, <br />when correct exposure assumptions and up-to-date, applicable guidance are used. Therefore, since our <br />screening -level HRA indicates a potentially significant impact, the City should prepare a Project -specific <br />EIR with an HRA which makes a reasonable effort to connect the Project's air quality emissions and the <br />potential health risks posed to nearby receptors. Thus, the City should prepare an updated, quantified <br />air pollution model as well as an updated, quantified refined health risk assessment which adequately <br />and accurately evaluates health risk impacts associated with both Project construction and operation. <br />Greenhouse Gas <br />Failure to Adequately Evaluate Greenhouse Gas Impacts <br />The Addendum estimates that the Project would generate net annual GHG emissions of 1,493 metric <br />tons of CO2 equivalents per year ("MT CO2e/year') (p. 3.5-2, Table 3.5-1). As a result, the Addendum <br />concludes that the Project would result in a service population efficiency value of 2.0 metric tons of CO2 <br />equivalents per service population per year ("MT CO2e/SP/year"), based on a service population value of <br />747 people (see excerpt below) (p. 3.5-2, Table 3.5-1). <br />""Risk Assessment Guidelines Guidance Manual for Preparation of Health Risk Assessments." OEHHA, February <br />2015, available at:, p. 1-5 <br />19 <br />75C-94 <br />