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(9) <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />4. Cost Proposal <br />All Proposers are required to submit a cost breakdown by contract task (including <br />renewal option term if exercised); including estimated hours, hourly rates, expenses, <br />and a total not -to -exceed cost with their Proposal. Pricing instructions should be clearly <br />defined to ensure fees proposed can be compared and evaluated. Proposals shall be <br />valid for a minimum of ninety (90) days following Proposal deadline. The cost for <br />developing the Proposal is the sole responsibility of the Proposer. All Proposals <br />submitted become the property of the City. <br />The proposed fees and rates for this contract will be fixed for the duration of the <br />agreement, including allowable renewal options exercised at the discretion of the City. <br />5. Certifications (ATTACHMENTS) <br />The following forms, included in this RFP, shall be signed and included as part of the <br />proposal submittal package: <br />• Attachment A: References <br />• Attachment B: Proposer's Statement <br />• Attachment C: Non -Collusion Affidavit <br />• Attachment D: Non -Lobbying Certification <br />• Attachment E: Non -Discrimination Certification <br />6. References <br />Firm shall provide three (3) references from public agency customers for which similar <br />services specified in this RFP have been performed, including contact names and <br />telephone numbers, and types of services your firm has provided. Use Attachment A <br />— References. The respondent grants permission for the City to contact any <br />individuals listed as references. <br />City may disqualify a Proposer if: <br />• References fail to substantiate Proposer's description of services and <br />deliverables provided; or <br />• References fail to support that Proposer has a continuing pattern of <br />providing capable, productive, and skilled personnel, or <br />City is unable to reach the point of contact with reasonable effort. It is the <br />Proposer's responsibility to inform the point of contact(s) of normal City <br />working hours. <br />7. Information provided by the City is solely for the purpose of conducting proposal <br />evaluation and shall not be disclosed to any third party without the City's written <br />permission. <br />8. Evidence of Financial Capacity <br />Proposer may be requested to submit its most recent audited financial statement, <br />evidencing Proposer's financial capacity to fully perform the required services, <br />including provision of equipment and personnel expenses over a ninety (90) day <br />RFP No. 20-135 General Plan 190 <br />91--ent Update Page 9 of 29 <br />