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VI. Required Information/Documents to Qualify for Grant Award: <br />• Budget Analysis for planned use of funds <br />• Bank Statements for February 2020 through September 2020 <br />• Employee list as of February 2020 through September 2020 <br />• Non -Profit 990 or Non-profit Letter <br />VII. Disbursement of Funds: <br />Institutions will receive the approved funding in one disbursement via an Electronic Funds <br />Transfer or Automated Clearing House (EFT or ACH). <br />VIII. First Come, First Served Basis: <br />Applications will be reviewed and considered on a first come, first served basis. <br />IX. Reporting Guidelines: <br />Institutions are required to report how the funds were spent in accordance with Program <br />requirements via a City provided portal. The following will need to be provided: <br />• Certification and budget documenting the use of grant funds <br />• Documentation of grant expenses (Canceled checks, bank statements, credit card <br />transactions) <br />X. Certifications: <br />Institution will certify to the following: <br />• Institution agrees to submit post -expense reports via an online portal due on the following <br />dates: December 15, 2020. Reporting will include bank statements and documentation of <br />expenses such as invoices and receipts. <br />• Institution agrees to provide the City of Santa Ana, its employees and representatives, <br />additional documentation for audit and reporting purposes and to assess the benefits derived <br />from participating in the program. Such information may include, but is not limited to, profit <br />loss statements, payroll records. Institution authorizes the release of said information to local, <br />State and/or Federal agencies and to City of Santa Ana staff within five years of this date. <br />This grant program is supported with Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act <br />("CARES Act'), Public Law 116-136, Section 601(a) of the Social Security Act, to prevent, <br />prepare for, and respond to the coronavirus ("COVID-19"). According to Title 18, Section <br />1001 of the U.S. Code, it is a felony for any person to knowingly and willingly make false or <br />fraudulent statement to any department of the United States Government. Business <br />understands that any willful misrepresentation on this application could result in a tine and/or <br />imprisonment under provision of the United States Criminal Code U.S.C. Title 18, Section <br />1001. <br />• Institution understands that the City reserves the right to reject any and all applications. <br />City of Santa Ana Page 3 of 4 Santa Ana CARES <br />Musetan Economic Stabiliwaon Grants <br />Program Guidelines <br />