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/ EXHIBIT A <br />jtre" I n) Santa Ana CARES <br />�® Museum Economic Stabilization Grants <br />Program Guidelines <br />The Santa Ana CARES Museum Economic Stabilization Grants program is aimed at assisting non-profit <br />museums within the City of Santa Ana that have been negatively impacted by COVID-19, and are in need <br />of financial assistance for COVID-19 response measures. The funding, which is part of the CARES Act <br />Coronavirus Relief Funds bill, will aid museums in restructuring programming, assisting with safe <br />reopening, and providing stabilization funds for revenues that were lost due to closures, and not <br />recuperated via other grants or financial assistance. <br />I. Size of the grant: <br />Grants award maximums will be based on the size of the institution's operating budget and loss of <br />revenues. Museums that have received CARES Arts funding through the City will need to deduct <br />the grant amount from the grant maximum: <br />Operating Budget <br />Grant Maximum <br />Under $5 Million <br />Up to $150,000 <br />$5 - $10 Million <br />Up to $300,000 <br />Over $10 Million <br />Up to $450,000 <br />*Funding amounts are subject to adjustment by the City. <br />II. Institutions must have been affected by COVID-19: <br />The institution must submit an attestation stating that it is impacted by COVID-19 in <br />following ways: <br />Operational revenue decreased more than 25% as a result of COVID-19 <br />(from the time period of March 1, 2020 through present); and <br />The institution was forced to lay-off or furlough at least one of its employees; and <br />The institution was forced to shut down by the state or local government <br />III. Eligibility Requirements: <br />Institutions must meet the following eligibility requirements: <br />• Non-profit museum located in Santa Ana <br />• National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities (NTEE) Code in the following range: A50-A57 <br />• Must have been in operation as of March 1, 2020 <br />• Must be committed to operating in Santa Ana for the foreseeable future <br />• In compliance with all City (Business License, Certificate of Occupancy, etc.) <br />Inelieible• <br />• Cannabis -related businesses <br />• Gambling facilities <br />• Adult entertainment businesses <br />City of Santa Ana <br />Page 1 of i <br />Santa Ana CARES <br />Museum Economic Smbilication Grants <br />Program Guidelines <br />