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Section 5.2 Benefits <br />5.2.t Contractors shall pay contributions to the established employee benefit funds in <br />the amounts designated in the appropriate Master Labor Agreement and make all employee — <br />authorized deductions in the amounts designated in the appropriate Master Labor Agreement, <br />however, such contributions shall not exceed the contribution amounts set forth in the applicable <br />prevailing wage determination. This Agreement does not relieve Contractors directly signatory to <br />one or more of the Master Labor Agreements from making all contributions set forth in those <br />Master Labor Agreements without reference to the foregoing. <br />5.2.2 The Contractor adopts and agrees to be bound by the written terms of the <br />applicable, legally established, trust agreement(s) specifying the detailed basis on which <br />payments are to be made into, and benefits paid out of, such trust funds for its employees. The <br />Contractor authorizes the Parties to such trust funds to appoint trustees and successor trustees to <br />administer the trust funds and hereby ratifies and accepts the trustees so appointed as if made by <br />the Contractor, <br />5.2.3 Each Contractor and subcontractor is required to certify to the CWA <br />Administrator that it has paid all benefit contributions due and owing to the appropriate Trast(s) <br />prior to the receipt of its final payment and/or retention. Further, upon timely notification by a <br />Union to the CWA Administrator, the CWA Administrator shall work with any prime Contractor <br />or subcontractor who is delinquent in payments to assure that proper benefit contributions are <br />made, to the extent of requesting the City or the prime Contractor to withhold payments <br />otherwise due such Contractor, until such contributions have been made or otherwise guaranteed. <br />Section 5.3 Wage Premiums Wage premiums, including but not limited to pay based on <br />height of work, hazard pay, scaffold pay and special skills shall not be applicable to work trader <br />this Agreement, except to the extent provided for in any applicable prevailing wage <br />determination. <br />ARTICLE 6 <br />HOURS OF WORD. OVERTIME, SHIFTS AND HOLIDAYS <br />Section 6.1 Hours of Work Eight (8) hours per day between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 5:30 <br />p.m., plus one-half (1/2) hour unpaid touch approximately mid -way through the shift, shall <br />constitute the standard work day, Forty (40) hours per week shall constitute a regular week's <br />work. The work week will start on Sunday and conclude on Saturday. The foregoing provisions <br />of this Article are applicable anless otherwise provided in the applicable prevailing wage <br />determination, or unless changes are permitted by law and such are agreed upon by the Parties. <br />Nothing herein shall be construed as guaranteeing any employee eight (8) hours per day or forty <br />(40) hours per week, or a Monday through Friday standard work schedule. <br />Section 6.2 Place, of Worlc Employees shall be at their place of work (as designated by the <br />Contractor), at the starting time and shalt remain at their place of work, performing their <br />assigned functions, until quitting time. The place of work is defined as the gang or tool box or <br />equipment at the employee's assigned. work location or the place where the foreman gives <br />Final Draft Community Workforce Agreement <br />6.22.17 14 City of Santa Ana <br />