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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />COMMUNITY WORKFORCE AGREEMENT <br />This Community Workforce Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into effective as of <br />, 2017, by and between the City of Santa Ana, a municipal corporation ("City"), the <br />Los Angeles/Orange Counties Building and Construction Trades Council ("Trades Council"), <br />and the signatory Craft Councils and Local Unions signing this Agreement (collectively, the <br />"Union" or "Unions"). This Agreement establishes the labor relations policies and procedures for <br />the City, the Contractors awarded contracts for Project Work and for the crafts persons employed <br />by the Contractors and represented by the Unions engaged in the Project Work as more fully <br />described below. The City, Trades Council and Unions are hereinafter referred to herein, as the <br />context may require, as "Party" or "Parties." <br />It is understood by the Parties to this Agreement that for the duration of this Agreement, it shall <br />be the policy of the City for all Project Work (as defined in Section 2.2.) to be contracted <br />exclusively to Contractors who agree to execute and be bound by the terms of this Agreement, <br />directly or through the Letter of Assent (a form of which is attached as "Attachment A"), and to <br />require each of its subcontractors, of whatever tier, to become so bound. The City shall include, <br />directly or by incorporation by reference, the requirements of this Agreement in the <br />advertisement of and/or specifications for each and every contract for Project Work to be <br />awarded by the City. <br />It is further understood that the City shall actively administer and enforce the obligations of this <br />Agreement to ensure that the benefits envisioned from it flow to all Parties, the Contractors and <br />crafts persons working under it, and the residents of the City. The City shall therefore designate a <br />"CWA Administrator," either from its own staff or an independent contractor, to serve as the <br />City's liaison for Contractors and other persons; monitor compliance with this Agreement; assist, <br />as the authorized representative of the City, in developing and implementing the programs <br />referenced herein, all of which are critical to fulfilling the intent and purposes of the Parties and <br />this Agreement; and to otherwise implement and administer this Agreement. <br />ARTICLE I <br />DEFINITIONS <br />Section 1.1 "Agreement" or "CWA" means this Community Workforce Agreement <br />Section 1.2 "Apprentice" means those employees indentured and participating in a Joint <br />Labor/Management Apprenticeship Program approved by the State of California, Department of <br />Industrial Relations, Division of Apprenticeship Standards. <br />Section 1.3 "Construction Contract" or "Construction Contracts" means any contract entered <br />into by the City, for the constriction of .Project Work as specified in Section 2,2. <br />Section 1.4 "Contractor" means any individual firm, partnership or corporation, or <br />combination thereof, including joint ventures, which is an independent business enterprise and <br />which has entered into a Construction Contract with the City or any of its contractors or any of <br />Final Draft Community Workforce Agreement <br />6.22.17 3 City of Santa Ana <br />