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(R) Hostile fire means a fire which becomes uncontrollable or breaks out from where it was <br />intended to be contained; provided, that hostile fire shall not include any fire that <br />originates at any site operating as a waste disposal facility or waste storage facility. <br />(S) Impaired property means tangible property, other than your product or your work, that <br />cannot be used or is less useful because: (1) it incorporates your product or your work <br />that is known or thought to be defective, deficient, inadequate, or dangerous; or (2) you <br />have failed to fulfill the terms of a contract or agreement. <br />(T) Insured means any of the following: <br />(1) the named insured; <br />(2) any employee or volunteer, but only while such employee or volunteer is acting <br />within the capacity and scope of his or her duties as such; <br />(3) any insured medical practitioner, but only while such insured medical <br />practitioner is acting within the capacity and scope of his or her duties as such; <br />(4) your medical directors, department heads, or chiefs of staff, but only while acting <br />within the scope and capacity of their duties as such for you; <br />(5) any member of a duly authorized board or committee of yours; <br />(6) solely with respect to and limited to the coverage afforded under INSURING <br />AGREEMENT (A), the lawful spouses of individual insureds and, in the event of the <br />death, incapacity or bankruptcy of an individual insured, the estates, heirs, legal <br />representatives or assigns of such individual insured; <br />(7) any person enrolled as a student in a formal training program offered by you, but <br />only when such person is acting within the capacity and scope of his or her duties <br />as such; <br />(8) any member or partner of a joint venture or partnership specifically listed as a <br />named insured on an endorsement attached to this Policy, but only with respect to <br />such member or partner's liability arising out of such joint venture or partnership; <br />(9) if you are a limited liability company, any member of yours, but only when such <br />member is named in a claim by reason of his or her ownership interest in such <br />limited liability company and only to the extent of such ownership interest; <br />(10) any driver or operator of mobile equipment, but only when operating mobile <br />equipment at your direction and with your permission; and <br />(11) any person or entity with whom/which you have a written agreement, effective <br />during the policy period, to provide such person or entity insured status under <br />this Policy (each, an "Additional Insured"), but solely with respect to liability <br />imposed or sought to be imposed on such Additional Insured as a result of the acts, <br />errors or omissions of an original insured committed or allegedly committed <br />subsequent to the execution of such agreement and for which this Policy provides <br />coverage; provided, that: (a) no coverage will be available under this Policy for that <br />portion of any damages or defense costs for any claim against an Additional <br />Insured based upon or arising out of any actual or alleged independent act or direct <br />liability of such Additional Insured; (b) an Additional Insured's status as an <br />I-IPF-010001-09-16 Page 6 of 32 <br />