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8/26/2021 11:38:02 AM
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2/22/2021 3:04:35 PM
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Parks, Recreation, & Community Services
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THE <br />HARTFORD <br />j. Electronic Vandalism or Corruption of "Electronic Data" or Corruption of "Computer(s)" <br />(1) Destruction or corruption of "electronic data" caused by virus, malicious code or similar instruction <br />introduced into or enacted on a "computer" system (including "electronic data") or a network to which it is <br />connected, designed to destroy or corrupt "electronic data"; <br />(2) Unauthorized viewing, copying or use of "electronic data" (or any proprietary or confidential information or <br />intellectual property in any form) by any person, even if such activity is characterized as theft; <br />(3) Manipulation of your "computer" system including "electronic data" by any person(s), for the purpose of <br />diverting or destroying "electronic data" or causing fraudulent or illegal transfer of any property; <br />(4) Interruption in normal "computer" function on network service or function due to insufficient capacity to <br />process transactions or to an overload of activity on the system or network; <br />(5) Unexplained or indeterminable failure, malfunction or slowdown of a "computer" system, including <br />"electronic data" or the inability to access or properly manipulate the "electronic data"; <br />(6) Complete or substantial failure, disablement or shutdown of the internet, regardless of cause; <br />(7) The inability of a "computer" system to correctly recognize, process, distinguish, interpret or accept one or <br />more dates or times. <br />But if direct physical loss or direct physical damage occurs to Covered Property from a resulting Covered <br />Cause of Loss, we will pay for that resulting direct physical loss or direct physical damage. Mere loss of use <br />or loss of functionality of any property is not considered physical loss or physical damage <br />2. We will not pay for loss or damage caused by or resulting from: <br />a. Electrical Apparatus <br />(1) Artificially generated electrical, magnetic or electromagnetic energy that damages, disturbs, disrupts or <br />otherwise interferes with any: <br />(a) Electrical or electronic wire, device, appliance, system or network; or <br />(b) Device, appliance, system or network utilizing cellular or satellite technology. <br />(2) For the purpose of this exclusion, electrical, magnetic or electromagnetic energy includes but is not <br />limited to: <br />(a) Electrical current, including arcing; <br />(b) Electrical charge produced or conducted by a magnetic or electromagnetic field; <br />(c) Pulse of electromagnetic energy; or <br />(d) Electromagnetic waves or microwaves. <br />But if fire damage to Covered Property results, we will pay for the direct physical loss or direct physical <br />damage caused by fire. <br />(3) We will pay for loss or damage to "computer(s)" due to artificially generated electrical, magnetic or <br />electromagnetic energy if such loss or damage is caused by or results from: <br />(a) An occurrence that took place within 1,000 feet of the "scheduled premises"; or <br />(b) Interruption of electric power supply, power surge, blackout or brownout if the cause of such <br />occurrence took place within 1,000 feet of the "scheduled premises". <br />b. Consequential Losses <br />Delay, loss of use or loss of market. <br />c. Smoke, Vapor, Gas <br />Smoke, vapor or gas from agricultural smudging or industrial operations. <br />d. Steam Apparatus <br />Explosion of steam boilers, steam pipes, steam engines or steam turbines owned or leased by you, or <br />operated under your control. But if explosion of steam boilers, steam pipes, steam engines or steam turbines <br />results in fire or combustion explosion damage to Covered Property, we will pay for the direct physical loss or <br />direct physical damage caused by that fire or combustion explosion. We will also pay for direct physical loss <br />or direct physical damage to Covered Property caused by or resulting from the, explosion of gases or fuel <br />Form SP 00 00 10 18 <br />© 2018, The Hartford <br />(May include copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with it., <br />cF Risk Manage meet Division <br />Jy/ 1'x REVIEWED & APPROVED BY.- <br />V"° <br />--� Risk janagement Analyst <br />
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