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THE <br />HARTFORD <br />We will pay recovery expenses and the expenses to repair the recovered property, subject to the Limits of <br />Insurance. <br />7. Salvage <br />In the event we pay to replace Covered Property or any component thereof, we retain our right to salvage such <br />property. <br />8. Vacancy <br />a. Description of Terms <br />(1) As used in this Vacancy Condition, the term building and the term vacant have the meanings set forth in <br />Paragraphs (a) and (b) below: <br />(a) When this Coverage Part is issued to a tenant, and with respect to that tenant's interest in Covered <br />Property, building means the unit or suite rented or leased to the tenant. Such building is vacant when <br />it does not contain enough Business Personal Property to conduct customary operations. <br />(b) When this Coverage Part is issued to the owner or general lessee of a building, building means the <br />entire building. Such building is vacant unless at least 31 % of its total square footage is: <br />(i) Rented to a lessee or sub -lessee and used by the lessee or sub -lessee to conduct its customary <br />operations; and/or <br />(ii) Used by the building owner to conduct customary operations. <br />(2) Buildings under construction or renovation are not considered vacant. <br />b. Vacancy Provisions <br />If the building where loss or damage occurs has been vacant for more than 60 consecutive days before that <br />loss or damage occurs: <br />(1) We will not pay for any loss or damage caused by any of the following even if they are Covered Causes <br />of Loss: <br />(a) Vandalism; <br />(b) Sprinkler leakage, unless you had protected the system against freezing; <br />(c) Building glass breakage; <br />(d) Water; <br />(e) Theft; or <br />(f) Attempted theft. <br />(2) With respect to Covered Causes of Loss other than those listed in b.(1)(a) through b.(1)(f) above, we will <br />reduce the amount we would otherwise pay for the physical loss or physical damage by 15%. <br />F. PROPERTY GENERAL CONDITIONS <br />1. Control of Property <br />Any act or neglect of any person other than you beyond your direction or control will not affect this insurance. <br />The breach of any condition of this Coverage Form at one or more locations will not affect coverage at any <br />location where, at the time of loss or damage, the breach of condition does not exist. <br />2. Mortgageholders <br />a. The term mortgageholder includes trustee. <br />b. We will pay for covered loss of or damage to buildings or structures to each mortgageholder shown in the <br />Declarations in their order of precedence, as interests may appear. <br />c. The mortgageholder has the right to receive loss payment even if the mortgageholder has started foreclosure <br />or similar action on the building or structure. <br />d. If we deny your claim because of your acts or because you have failed to comply with the terms of this Policy, <br />the mortgageholder will still have the right to receive loss payment if the mortgageholder: <br />(1) Pays any premium due under this Policy at our request if you have failed to d <br />ew cF RAMwagmedDMsian <br />Form SP 00 00 10 18 J_/ ``x REVIEWED & APPROVED BY.- <br />© 2018, The Hartford ��' ., V <br />(May include copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with itsr RiskPjanagementAnalpt <br />