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THE <br />HARTFORD <br />16. "Stock" means merchandise held in storage or for sale, raw materials and in -process or finished goods, including <br />supplies used in their packing or shipping. <br />17. "Suit" means a civil proceeding and includes: <br />a. An arbitration proceeding in which damages are claimed and to which you must submit or do submit with our <br />consent; or <br />b. Any other alternative dispute resolution proceeding in which damages are claimed and to which you submit <br />with our consent. <br />18. "Tenant improvements and betterments" means fixtures, alterations, installations or additions: <br />a. Made a part of the building or structure you occupy but do not own; and <br />b. You acquired or made at your expense but cannot legally remove. <br />19. "Unmanned aircraft" means an aircraft that is not: <br />a. Designed; <br />b. Manufactured; or <br />c. Modified after manufacture <br />to be controlled directly by a person from within or on the aircraft and which is owned by you or owned by others <br />but in your care, custody, or control. <br />"Unmanned aircraft" includes equipment designed for and used exclusively with the "unmanned aircraft", provided <br />such equipment is essential for operation of the "unmanned aircraft" or for executing "unmanned aircraft <br />operations". <br />20. "Unmanned aircraft operations" means your business activities in support of the specific operations listed in the <br />Description of Business section of the Declarations. <br />21. "Valuable papers and records" means inscribed, printed or written: <br />a. Documents; <br />b. Manuscripts; or <br />c. Records <br />including abstracts, books, deeds, drawings, films, maps or mortgages. <br />But "valuable papers and records" does not mean "money", "securities" or "electronic data" or the materials on <br />which the "electronic data" is recorded. <br />22. "Wastewater removal services" means a utility system for removing wastewater and sewage from the "scheduled <br />premises", other than a system designed primarily for draining storm water. The utility property includes sewer <br />mains, pumping stations and similar equipment for moving the effluent to a holding, treatment or disposal facility, <br />and includes such facilities. <br />23. "Water supply services" means the following types of property supplying water to the "scheduled premises": <br />a. Pumping stations; and <br />b. Water mains. <br />ew cF RAMwagmedDMsian <br />Form SP 00 00 10 18 J_/ ``x REVIEWED & APPROVED BY.- <br />© 2018, The Hartford ��' ., V <br />(May include copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with itsr RiskPjanagementAnalpt <br />