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CONTRACTOR agrees to notify the WIOA client's Case Manager immediately (within 5 working <br />days) if the WIOA client is absent for more than 3 days in a row, has sporadic attendance or drops out <br />of school unless other arrangement are made in writing. <br />CONTRACTOR agrees to provide a copy of the "reimbursement form" and issue a refund check to <br />the "City of Santa Ana" for the number of unused training hours and any non -issued training/testing <br />vouchers, books, tools, etc. due within 30 calendar days after the last day the WIOA client attended <br />school or the day the school was notified that the WIOA client dropped. Said check to be mailed to <br />the attention of the WIOA Case Manager, 801 W Civic Center Dr., #200, Santa Ana, CA 92701. <br />CONTRACTOR agrees to provide the WIOA Case Manager a copy of the WIOA client's certificate <br />of completion or diploma or official transcripts within 10 working days of the date of completion or <br />graduation. <br />CONTRACTOR agrees to provide the WIOA client with the same level of job search/placement <br />assistance as provided to the public students and to provide the WIOA Case Manager with all the <br />pertinent information regarding the placement of the WIOA client within 5 working days of the WIOA <br />client's first day of employment. A WIOA client has 180 days after completing training to get a job <br />for the CONTRACTOR to get credit for placement in employment. <br />I am authorized by my Board of Directors, Trustees, other legally qualified officer, or as the owner of <br />this agency or business to submit this proposal. <br />CONTRACTOR is not currently on any Federal, State of California, or local Debarment list. <br />CONTACTOR will provide records to show that we are fiscally solvent, if needed. <br />CONTRACTOR has, or will have, all of the fiscal control and accounting procedures needed to ensure <br />that WIOA funds will be used as required by law and contract. <br />CONTRACTOR has additional funding sources and will not be dependent on WIOA funds alone. <br />CONTRACTOR will meet the applicable Federal, State, and local compliance requirements. These <br />FJude, but are not limited to: <br />Records accurately reflect actual performance if applicable. <br />Maintain record confidentiality, as required. <br />financial, participant, and performance data, as required. <br />Comply with State and Federal fiscal and program activity audits, <br />Complying with Federal and State non-discrimination provisions. <br />Meeting requirements of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. <br />Meeting requirements of the American's with Disabilities Act of 1990. (submit completed survey) <br />EXHIBIT G <br />