<br />A. Any verbal, physical or other conduct based on a person's sex, race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, or veteran
<br />or marital status that has the purpose or effect of threatening or intimidating or coercing another, or impairing academic per-
<br />formance, career development, or any other aspect of education is prohibited harassment. This policy not only prohibits
<br />instructor harassment of students, it also prohibits misconduct by any member of our educational community toward an In-
<br />structor, staff member, or a fellow student.
<br />B. Prohibited harassment (including sexual harassment) does not refer to behavior or occasional compliments of a socially
<br />acceptable nature. However, some behavior that is acceptable in a social setting may not be appropriate in the workplace or
<br />school setting. It refers to behavior that is not welcome, that is personally offensive, that falls to respect the rights of others,
<br />that lowers morale and, therefore, interferes with academic performance.
<br />C. The victim does not have to be the person toward whom the unwelcome conduct is directed, but may be someone who is
<br />affected by such conduct when it is directed toward another person. For example, the harassment of an employee or student
<br />may create for another employee or student an Intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment.
<br />D. Any act of "quid pro quo" ("something for something") sexual harassment, where a student, supervisor, instructor, or other
<br />employee with the power or authority to grant or withhold benefits or privileges, demands sexual favors In exchange for ben-
<br />efits or privileges. No student or employee should so much as imply that another student or employee's "cooperation" with
<br />sexual demands will have any effect on academic performance, career development, or any other aspect of education.
<br />E. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature when sub-
<br />mission to or rejection of such conduct is used as the basis for decisions or has the purpose or effect of unreasonably inter-
<br />fering with an individual's performance or creating an intimidating or hostile environment.
<br />F. Examples of conduct that Is prohibited by this policy include, but are not limited to, the following:
<br />• Explicit or implicit demands for sexual favors in return for benefits or privileges.
<br />• Unwelcome letters, a -mall communications, or telephone calls of a sexual nature.
<br />• Distribution or display of materials of a sexual nature, including posters, screen savers or computer graphics, cal-
<br />endars, or pictures of men or women who are dressed in a suggestive manner.
<br />Using Roadmaster Drivers School's facilities, time, or resources in relation to any form of entertainment which
<br />tends to present men or women as sexual objects.
<br />• Physical assaults of a sexual nature or coerced sexual contact.
<br />• Unwelcome and deliberate touching, leaning over, cornering, pinching, or other untoward sexual behavior.
<br />• Unwelcome sexually suggestive looks or gestures.
<br />• Unwelcome pressure for sexual favors or dates.
<br />Unwelcome teasing, jokes, remarks, innuendos, insults, questions, or vulgar language that relates to or is based
<br />on a person's sex. Students and staff are asked to be mindful of others around them. Comments not intended as
<br />harassment, and not perceived as such by the person to whom they are directed, may be offensive and unwel-
<br />come to another employee or student who overhears them.
<br />• Affording favorable treatment to those who grant sexual favors, or unfavorable treatment to those who refuse to
<br />submit to or reject requests for sexual favors.
<br />Drug and Alcohol facilitated sexual misconduct whether consumed voluntarily or Involuntarily by either the victim or
<br />the assailant.
<br />This policy prohibits sexual harassment of people of the opposite sex (male toward female, female toward male) or
<br />people of the same sex (male toward male, female toward female). This policy not only prohibits instructor sexual
<br />harassment of students, it also prohibits misconduct by any member of our educational community toward an in-
<br />structor, staff member, or a fellow student.
<br />A. It is the duty and obligation of all Students to comply with this policy and to report conduct that they believe to be prohibited
<br />harassment. Sexual Violence can result in the transmission of disease and/or pregnancy. In additional to obtaining preven-
<br />tative treatment, It Is important for the victims of sexual violence to report the Incident immediately so that evidence of the
<br />assault can be collected and preserved. As such, any violations of this policy or Instances of sexual violence must be re-
<br />18 ported immediately.
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