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DESCRIPTIONS <br />CDT 101 General Knowledge: The General Knowledge training takes place mostly within the classroom. Topics covered include the <br />following: <br />• Introduction to Trucking Railroad Crossings Distracted Driving <br />• Basic Vehicle Controls/Placing Vehi- Driving Emergencies and Controls Communicating <br />cle in Operation <br />Driver Qualifications Skid Control & Recovery Driver Wellness <br />• Hazard Awareness Accident Procedure Whistle Blower <br />Speed & Space Management Transporting Cargo Visual Search/Lane Changes/ <br />Turning <br />• Air Brakes & Antilock Braking Sys- Combination Vehicles/Coupling and Alley Docking/Parallel Parking/ <br />tem Uncoupling/Drop and Hook Offset Alley Left and Right <br />• Safety CSA Anti -Human Trafficking <br />Rules & Regulations <br />CTD 102 Hours of Service and Trip Planning: This section covers FMCSA guidelines surrounding hours of service as well as effective <br />trip planning. Student should be able to understand the consequences for failure to comply with FMCSR hours of service, correctly inter- <br />pret hours of service categories per CSA., and apply recap totals to the hours of service FMCSR regulation. <br />CTD 103 Pre -Trip Inspections: This course involves both practical experience and observation. Students are putting into practice the <br />processes they have learned in the classroom. Upon completion, students should be able to identify, inspect, and evaluate key sys- <br />tems such as: Instruments and Controls, Engine, Drive Train i Axel Assemblies, Chassis and Suspension, Steering, Braking System, <br />Tire and Wheel Assemblies, Exterior Clearance Lighting, Exterior Brake and Signal Lighting, Emergency Equipment, and Cargo Secur- <br />ing Devices. Students should also be able to identify sections in both State and Federal regulations specific to inspections and identify <br />Out -Of -Service Requirements for both the unit and the individual. FMCSR 396.9(c)(2) and 395.13. <br />CTD 104 Backing & Skills: This course involves both practical experience and observation in backing maneuvers including docking and <br />parking. Proper technique for backing tractor and trailer, height identification for clearance, proper spacing, proper speed for close quar- <br />ters, proper lane positioning, backing a combination vehicle on a curved path, the importance of the walk around, and the use of turn <br />signals and convex mirrors are covered in this course. Students will begin with practice on the pad and will progress to the road with <br />other drivers. <br />CTD 105 Road Driving: This course involves both practical behind the wheel experience and observation. Road Driving is the culmina- <br />tion of everything the Students learned while in the classroom applied to the real life situation. Students will begin with practice on the <br />pad and will progress to the road with other drivers. Upon completion, student should be able to perform the variety of maneuvers and <br />tasks required for safe commercial vehicle driving including but not limited to the following: safely starting the vehicle, proper lane chang- <br />es, proper right and left turns, proper stopping, quick stopping, merging Into traffic, right of way laws, proper use of mirrors, and observa- <br />tion of surroundings. <br />NOTE. All courses that involve pad and/or road driving require a combination of observation as well as <br />behind the wheel time, <br />24 <br />