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2. The institution terminates the student's enrollment for failure to maintain satisfactory <br />progress; failure to abide by the rules and regulations of the institution; absences in excess <br />of maximum set forth by the institution; and/or failure to meet financial obligations to the <br />School. <br />3. The student has failed to attend class for 14 consecutive days. <br />4. The student fails to return from a leave of absence. <br />For the purpose of determining the amount of the refund, the date of the student's withdrawal shall <br />be deemed the last date of recorded attendance. For the purpose of determining when the refund <br />must be paid, the student shall be deemed to have withdrawn on the date any of the events listed <br />above occurred. <br />If a student obtains a loan to pay for an educational program, the student will have the responsibility <br />to repay the full amount of the loan plus interest, less the amount of any refund, and if the student <br />has received federal student financial aid funds, the student is entitled to a refund of the monies not <br />paid from federal student financial aid program funds. <br />DISMISSALS <br />A student may be dismissed from the school for one or more of the following reasons: <br />A. Excessive absenteeism or tardiness. <br />B. Lack of satisfactory progress toward graduation. <br />C. Misconduct. <br />D. Failure to meet financial responsibilities. <br />Dismissals for any reason must be approved by one of the administrative officials of Universal <br />Schools and Colleges of Health & Human Services. All dismissals are subject to the refund policy <br />as stated herein. <br />SCHOOLRECORDS <br />Enrollees are advised and cautioned that state law requires all post -secondary vocational <br />educational institutions to maintain school files and student records for no less than five years. <br />Student transcripts are maintained indefinitely. <br />STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT <br />Students are expected to follow all the rules and regulations of U.S. Colleges and to conduct <br />themselves within the parameters of acceptable behavior at all times. While on school premises or <br />externship sites, students shall conduct themselves in a professional manner. Disruptive behavior, <br />including but not limited to fighting, harassment, cheating, use of profanity, and stealing is not <br />acceptable and may lead to termination from U.S. Colleges. Use of cell phones for personal use is <br />not permitted during any class or lab sessions and should be kept to a minimum while on <br />campus. <br />NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY <br />Universal Schools & Colleges of Health & Human Services does not discriminate in its enrollment <br />of students or hiring of staff based upon a person's race, gender, sexual preferences, color, national <br />origin, marital status, religion or disability. <br />CLASS SIZE <br />A typical class consists of twelve to fourteen (12-14) students or less and one (1) instructor per <br />program. <br />DRUG AND ALCOHOL PREVENTION <br />Universal Schools & Colleges of Health & Human Services is a drug free workplace. Any student <br />suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be sent home for the day. Prior to <br />17 <br />