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Orozco, Norma <br />From: Joe Andrade <> <br />Sent: Tuesday, March 16, 2021 12:22 PM <br />To: eComment <br />Cc: Phan, Thai; Penaloza, David; Lopez, Jessie; Bacerra, Phil; Mendoza, Melinda; <br />Sarmiento, Vicente; Perez, Daisy <br />Subject: #21-45843 Item #34 Council member CM <br />Attachments: Petition4Park0321.pdf <br />Honorable City Council Members; <br />We are bringing to your attention how HAPPY the Logan Neighborhood families feel about the handball courts finally <br />being removed after requesting it for so many years. The neighbors quality of life has improved, peacefulness, no drug <br />paraphernalia found on kids play area as before, no more graffiti on handball court walls, more space for kids and parents <br />to care for kids etc. <br />This neighborhood does not want the handball courts rebuilt. People who live outside the neighborhood are requesting <br />them here because they do not want them in their neigh- borhoods due to all the undesirables they attract. <br />We are attaching a petition that neighbors have signed not wanting the handball courts rebuilt. <br />Logan Neighborhood residents are going to be calling into the council tonight to express their unhappiness on the idea of <br />the courts being rebuilt. <br />Sincerely, <br />Logan Neighborhood Association <br />Joe Andrade <br />Sam Romero <br />Michael Andrade <br />Pam Andrade <br />