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C H U EBE° Chubb Commercial Excess And Umbrella Insurance <br />Limits Of Insurance The ag4rega1e Iinli49 nplAy separaIsly Ici aach cwlw5 tuive annual perio{I and to any remaining <br />(confiltued) period of than twelve (12) months (starting with tha bcginuing of the policy period shows] <br />it) the I)erlann inns); prnl idad the altpl i cahle aggregnle I i nlil s in un derlyhig insurance ,I I)[) lYin <br />such manner. If the agnrcgace Ilmitz in nnderlyillginsurancc do not so apply, the app(icably' <br />,rvvrgvanc lilnilb ofdlik i'nguranW will tlpply to dio untirt,, policy period and nul suparotuly to <br />arty portion ( whether an nual or oth erwi se) thereof. <br />if d),� lmliey period is cxtouled after issur nCc, Ill. addlrlonal per'iod will be dmrncd ptut of the <br />last plvucdlrr� period I'or purpuwus vFdanyrmilling the r.i I01b 01'1 nsurtarcc. <br />Exoe&S Coverage Other Subicul to thu Each OuIlurr wu Limit, the a -cuss Covorugur Olhcr Aglaugalu Limit is thcmost <br />Aggregate Limit wewil I par Rn' the sum (Iflow under I :xcess Ml low-Ifnrnn Coverage A, except Inxs: <br />mclucled In the produclSwonlpletedaperahons hazard; <br />• ari0ig rartofs(lv'ertiSiot; injury pr peryurral iajtury; Ur <br />olh{mcwtst' uuvured by urt(Wrlying llllorunt'.r; bul to wdlich nU as_grcLIaitc limil in %ch <br />underlying insurance al) fl ies. <br />'I't1a I;•.eczsc ('mrer.•lges Other Age re ata Limit will apply "JinfaLely to Inss in the sane manner, <br />as rach tlkgcgttic limit so upphas in uauh uovaago or policy dcsuribcd in the Seha hk Of <br />t.!aleii ving Insuntnce. <br />Urtrbrulle Coverages Sutjw to tho Each Oueurrcocc Limit. the timbralht Covcragos Aggaugarc Limitis the most wt' <br />Aggregate Limit will pay 1'ar the men £Inks rrn[Inr' llmhrelln L ayP.l':b;eS, oxop.111 low <br />• incladol in pit+lrrutlotay-{cgngalrletl upernliuny turiurdl or <br />tlrising uu4 of udverlising injury' ur persunral injury. <br />Products"—CompMed Suhiecl th the Each 0canrienae I.1mic the I'Induwra-Cnn)pleterl t7perntiirns. Aggregata Idmlt i; <br />Operations Aggregate Lit rit tho moost w'c will ptly R1r the sum of loss includeal in the products-ooroplaW cperatiow hazard, <br />avcrr if MION Inkk is or nllrerw•iar. would Ile cin'cli'd in whale or in llaai under nitre Ihan one <br />cowragrge. <br />Advertising hljury And Tha Ailvcrlining hi lury .And Irer+ona.l rnjua'y Aslbreg.rle Liro h.;%die mow) we oill pay for Ilse <br />Personal Injury Aggregate arms cif loss for advcrlisitg injury and pasonal minty. cVQI1 if such loss is or ott]clwisc would <br />Oink L1c ouvkTed in whole or in purl unf a anon: lhtan ant; eo vcrago. <br />Each Occurrence Limit I'hc h:ach Occurrence Li niit h the most we will pay for chc lull) of loss arising nut of any one <br />at;{ 411-tt'1]CY:� even Ir'suda loss is 1.,I C1lhonvisc would be col urcd n1 whvlC or to pmt under moro <br />than one coverage. <br />Any amount pair) for loss will reduce the nniount ofthe appl Icable aggregate limb available Ynr <br />,my odwr paylncot. <br />ff th,; applicnblc aggregate limit has been rcdnccd to on amount that is )cis than du Each <br />Occurroucc Limit, the. romaining nn]clunt ul'allch dgl�70g*c limit is the moll that will b;: <br />available for any ocher payment. <br />L"i�9'•.Xi.. Ce L,L. Ufsw�� d- »�•'.1r. �t�-..-..��iv3 �""i.,is.k"9.33IIZf.4Cc£i..w k;lfn .'i£�.'3�£' h,is .. rva, eF ,.,.> .� ..2FR W ;F_? ..,. d'+fi'EM[dgl <br />Chubb Comnlumild LY. Sls APd Ur,1Wl,1lI0 10&fezlooC <br />Form U7-02- t5iRvt•. 7-071 Cantrac! <br />R1sk Management Dtvlslm <br />IrFOAP�'drl� REv1E%v)Eu&APPRMm er <br />a 111��;. � F�rt.vais+t F, U.i�Anz�i <br />ttlsk Management Analyst <br />