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C H U O E° Chubb CornmercislExcess And umbrella Insurance <br />Exclusions/ <br />Umbrella Coverage B <br />Bodily Injury/ <br />Property Damagel <br />Advertising Injury/ <br />Personal Injury <br />Roca# Cal Products, Work if sucks product. work or proparly is withdnlwn ur recalltd Ruin till market or livin use by any <br />Or finpain)d Property Fmon orarGanization limniso ofu known et oraospccd defect, doficicncy, inadoquac,' or <br />(oonthmed) clangcrouswndidunill it. <br />Policy Exclusions wllh mpcer to al I eovvam under this eonuYlit, thQ lWownlg Oolttsionb apply. <br />Asbestos A. This hnumnce dLvs not apply w tiny liabilily or loss, aunt or expcose liribing out of the <br />actual, al I aged or rh reatenad ooruninI n at k-e, pathogenic, roxic or orher Itaaardou <br />propcnics of asbestos. <br />B. Phis insuranea does not apply to nny loss. cost or cxpunsc arising out of any, <br />1, mqucst, dcrnarxf, ord,cr or rcgnhnory or stalutory rrquirernent thut any insured or <br />ullel''stell R11r, nlonllor. Clean up. Willow, conlnln, treat, lleloti ly or Ileolell Ivo, or <br />in any pany respond m, ur assess ncc ctfocts of asbestos; or <br />? claim or procc.txling by or on behalf of it gowt-nincnhal authority or others for <br />rlaroml; bccatis;: of tcbting f'tr, moniloring, claming up, n+moving, willahnmg, <br />twating, datnxifying or ncutrtlizin-, or in any way responding to, or assccsino, It- <br />eflcvtS of asbestos, <br />Coveragesl Laws, Vtjplpus Thic insnranc:J dmb ncll apply to any liabil ily or loss. uusl sir enpvrm! (it* uhligalion ul-any <br />insurers under kary- <br />medical cxpcnscc nr pnym.nts corcnlgc; <br />Ito -fault law; <br />r personal hifun• protecdon wvelage; <br />underinstu•eel wuninsured financial re,pnnsibility Inv, <br />'ti eonlp;:ilritltikill. il6lbilily bCnalii,yt.a'tatvVnplo)`Vp111 GQulptlrihlilion 11 t'i; or <br />similar cxavurug:: or late. <br />Employee Retirement Tllis inYurWiCa dill, lilt. apply to any liahilil.y or In:,'., Co•,cor expwin v. or obligulion to any <br />Income Security Laws insured under the Unitod States of Antcrica EraplovWV Retirement Iwoure Souurity rlat <br />(E.R.I.S.A, ) of 1974 or any' surdlat law, as nuYv cuttslit a tcd or lrcrcnll cr armtuded. <br />Emptoyme n€-Related A. Pitts insurance does not apply to any liability or toss, coat or expense in connection with <br />ProCtices un4 chuuagoa auahunOJ tit arty linty by any porson, w'helllVr of not Ski SulirWd ill 1110 VXJLa C <br />olI ell) ploynte111liyanyInwred,arialnpnu,tofWit yern1)10 rMeIll -Dialedact,all 1icrinlr, <br />policy, pnluticc urroprroscnluliun diruatad W such person, occurring in uholu or inn part at <br />any time: including any, <br />I. arre.g, delendru or lilllriaonn1ent; <br />Off bA Comm^„m ALyw s AV 4YnWUN? lRSUF.'Wi <br />Fom-fl7-r?-t18' Met, 7-01I cowraot <br />f <br />e. R2ekManagrawmLDlWslun V <br />l , rt RENEWEr) & APPROVED BV <br />l <br />gvww f f $ c �oat�ttc 2, V.lfrnaf�C <br />Risk Management AnalXst <br />