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who post what is happening...we must continue to do that <br />to warn our neighborhoods, and make sure City Council, <br />Police know what is happening and is only going <br />to get worse. <br />Pray we do NOT become like Northwest cities where police <br />are quitting, or like at the border where federal employees <br />are leaving due to the danger and overwhelming flood of <br />people. These children are being trafficked!!!. God help <br />us and them! It sickens me what is happening to <br />these kids... while the cartels are smuggling in more than <br />ever Fantenyl - more drugs on our street and more people <br />who take this stuff enabled to do more criminal actions <br />that can take our lives as long as they can break in and <br />rob us for the money to pay for it. <br />Be safe as you can, people...don't walk alone...keep <br />everything locked down...I got faith in all of us to <br />overcome..AND I just heard police sirens near Bristol and <br />Segerstrom for the umpteenth time in the last 24 hour <br />period!" <br />May God Bless America... <br /> <br />Vivian Pallack <br />Santa Ana Resident over 40 years. <br />cc'd Claudio Gallegas for distribution to Congressman Lou <br />Carrea <br />4 <br />