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COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br />Paragraph 2.d. below applies to such <br />damages. <br />(5) Any payments made for damages or <br />medical expenses to which the <br />Designated Location Aggregate Limit <br />applies will reduce: <br />(a) The Total Aggregate Limit: and <br />(b) The Designated Location <br />Aggregate Limit for the applicable <br />"locations. <br />Such payments will not reduce the <br />General Aggregate Limit described in <br />Paragraph 2.d. below. the <br />Designated Project Aggregate Limit <br />or the Designated Location <br />Aggregate Limit for any other <br />"location". <br />d. Subject to the Total Aggregate Umit <br />described In Paragraph 2.& above. the <br />General Aggregate Limit shown In the <br />Schedule — Limits Of Insurance And <br />Designated Projects And Locations <br />applies and Is further subject to all of the <br />following provisions: <br />(1) The General Aggregate Limit Is the <br />most we will pay for the sum of: <br />(a) Damages under Coverage A <br />because of °bodily Injury° and <br />°property damages caused by <br />"occurrences". and medical <br />expenses under Coverage C for <br />"bodily Injury" caused by <br />accidents. that cannot be <br />attributed only to operations at a <br />single sprojecr or a single <br />location": and <br />(b) Damages under Coverage B. <br />(2) The General Aggregate Limit does <br />not apply to damages for sbodfiy <br />Injury" or °properly damage" included <br />in the °products -completed oper- <br />ations hazards. Instead. the <br />Products -Completed Operations <br />Aggregate Limit described In <br />Paragraph 3. below applies to such <br />damages. <br />(3) Any payments made for damages or <br />medical expenses to which the <br />General Aggregate Limit applies will <br />reduce: <br />(a) The Total Aggregate Limit: and <br />(b) The General Aggregate Lim&. <br />Such payments will not reduce the <br />Designated . Project Aggregate Limit <br />for any °project" or the Designated <br />Location Aggregate Limit for any <br />"location". <br />4. The following replaces Paragraph 3. of SECTION <br />W — UMITS OF INSURANCE: <br />3. The Products -Completed Operations Aggre- <br />gate Limit shown In the Declarations is the <br />most we will pay under Coverage A for <br />damages because of "bodily injury' or <br />"property damage" Included In the "products - <br />completed operations hazard". Any payments <br />made for such damages will not reduce the <br />Total Aggregate Umit. the General Aggregate <br />Limit. the Designated Project Aggregate Limit <br />for any "projects or the Designated Location <br />Aggregate Limit for any "locations. <br />S. The following Is added to the DEFINITIONS <br />Section: <br />"Locations means any designated location shown <br />In the Schedule — Limits Of insurance And <br />Designated Projects and Locations that Is owned <br />by or rented to you. For the purposes of <br />determining the applicable aggregate limit of <br />insurance. each "locations that Includes a <br />premises Involving the same or connecting lots. <br />or premises whose connection Is interrupted only <br />by a street. roadway or waterway. or by a right-of- <br />way of a railroad, will be considered a single <br />°location". <br />°Project" means any designated project shown In <br />the Schedule — Limits Of Insurance And <br />Designated Projects And Locations that is away <br />from premises owned by or rented to you and at <br />which you are performing operations pursuant to <br />a contract or agreement. For the purposes of <br />determining the applicable aggregate limit of <br />Insurance. each "project" that includes a premises <br />Involving the same or connecting lots. or <br />premises whose connection is Interrupted only by <br />a street roadway or waterway. or by a right-of- <br />way of a railroad. will be considered a single <br />°project='. <br />ott: <br />,i 11LL Wvexm & APPRavm Bar^: <br />f�� l��w F47�L pW^CC^zt4aa <br />CG 04 69 0219 ® 2017 The Trevelem indemnity Company. All rights reserved. <br />irdudes copyrighted materiel of Insurance 8emk9s Ot@ee. tr& vAh its permtulan _ Risk W9 gen, t Clfficiade <br />