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4/8/2021 <br />PlanetBids Vendor Portal <br />City of Santa Ana <br />The bidder is solely responsible for "on time" submission of their electronic bid. The City will only <br />consider bids that have been transmitted successfully and have been issued an a -bid <br />confirmation number with a time stamp from the Bid Management System indicating that bid was <br />submitted successfully. Transmission of bids by any other means will not be accepted. Bidder <br />shall be solely responsible for informing itself with respect to the proper utilization of the bid <br />management system, for ensuring the capability of their computer system to upload the required <br />documents, and for the stability of their internet service. Failure of the bidder to successfully <br />submit an electronic bid shall be at the bidder's sole risk and no relief will be given for late and/or <br />improperly submitted bids. Bidders experiencing any technical difficulties with the bid submission <br />process may contact PlanetBids at (818) 992-1771. Questions of an operational nature may be <br />directed to the Public Works Agency at (714) 647-5074. Neither the City, nor PlanetBids, makes <br />any guarantee as to the timely availability of assistance, or assurance that any given problem will <br />be resolved by the bid submission deadline. <br />Special Notices <br />Local Programs & Policies <br />Prevailing Wage Compliance Requirement <br />DIR Registration Requirement <br />Community Workforce Agreement Compliance Requirement <br />Copyright®2021 MOM <br />Dark Mode I Prlvecy Pollcy I Terms & Condillons <br />https://pbsystem.planotbids.con/portal/20137/bo/bo-dotall/79910 414 <br />