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child. His entire family resides in Orange County, CA. Mr. Nguyen's father fought alongside the <br />United States during the Viet Nam War and was imprisoned for four years in Viet Nam. His mother <br />fled the country in 1985 and was finally able to sponsor her children to immigrate to California in <br />199o. But after resettling in the U.S., Mr. Nguyen faced poverty, racism, and bullying. As a youth, he <br />ultimately made mistakes that resulted in a series of robberies. For these robberies, he was sentenced <br />to state prison where he served over 20 years. However, instead of being able to return to his family <br />after completing his prison sentence, Mr. Nguyen was transferred to ICE detention, where he was <br />detained, released, and then detained again for a month. <br />If the VISION Act were law before then, Mr. Nguyen could have never been transferred to ICE <br />detention and would have been able to return to his family without facing this cruel double <br />punishment after completing his sentence. <br />In 2016, Santa Ana passed the strongest sanctuary city ordinance in the country and committed the <br />city's support with the CA Values Act. This resolution presents another opportunity for Santa Ana to <br />strongly demonstrate its commitment to protecting refugee and immigrant communities from cruel <br />detention and deportation in the city and statewide. <br />Please vote yes on the city resolution in support of the VISION Act. We thank you for your <br />local leadership in setting a standard for bold and strong immigrant rights advocacy. Please confirm <br />receipt of this email correspondence. <br />Best regards, <br />Allison Vo <br />VietRISE <br />Allison Vo <br />Pronouns: They/She <br />Youth Organizing Coordinator <br />allison(& I vietrise.or <br />0 :m <br />"°""'fi <br />