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NS-3004 - Urgency Ordinance Amending Sections 41-472 and 41-472.5 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code to Require A Conditional Use Permit for Processing Facilities...
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NS-3004 - Urgency Ordinance Amending Sections 41-472 and 41-472.5 of the Santa Ana Municipal Code to Require A Conditional Use Permit for Processing Facilities...
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5/5/2021 4:38:39 PM
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NS-2333 - Amending Various Sections of the Santa Ana Municipal Code Regarding Recycling Regulations
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jmf 4-28-21 <br />structures, and land; and regulating the location, height, bulk, and size of buildings <br />and structures, the size of yards and other open spaces; the city is divided into land - <br />use districts of such number, shape and area as may be considered best suited to <br />carry out these regulations and provide for their enforcement. The City's zoning <br />regulations are considered necessary in order to: (a) encourage the most <br />appropriate use of land; (b) conserve and stabilize property value; (c) provide <br />adequate open spaces for light and air and to prevent and fight fires; (d) prevent the <br />undue concentration of population; (e) lessen congestion on streets and highways, <br />and (f) promote the health, safety and the general welfare of the people, all as part of <br />the General Plan of the City. <br />G. The absence of a Conditional Use Permit requirement for Light Processing <br />Facilities is inconsistent with the goals expressed by SAMC Section 41-1 (Purpose) <br />in that discretion by the Planning Commission and City Council cannot be exercised <br />to ensure that the location and operation of such facilities are compatible with the <br />scale, character, and nature of surrounding properties and neighborhoods as <br />specified in SAMC Sections 41-1 (a), (b), (e), and (f). <br />H. Heavy Processing Facilities are currently required to obtain approval of a <br />Conditional Use Permit and are only permitted in the City's Heavy Industrial (M-2) <br />zoning district, pursuant to SAMC Section 41-489.5. <br />I. Due to the City's age, development patterns, and past zoning practices, there <br />exist multiple areas of the City where Industrial (M-1 and M-2) zoning districts <br />directly abut residentially -zoned or used properties, including in the Delhi, Logan, <br />Cornerstone Village, Lacy, French Park, Artesia Pilar, Casa Bonita, and other <br />residential areas near Harbor Mixed -Use Transit Corridor Specific Plan (SP-2), and <br />also the Santa Anita and Mar -Les neighborhoods that are not part of an established <br />Neighborhood Association. <br />J. There currently exist 12 Light Processing Facilities in the City. Of these, six <br />are located in the Light Industrial (M-1) zoning district, five of which are operating <br />without a Conditional Use Permit. Out of the 12 light processing facilities, 11 are <br />within 1,000 feet of property zoned or used for residential purposes. <br />K. Due to the nature of their operations, Light Processing Facilities often operate <br />in outdoor settings, creating dust, noise, odor, and negative aesthetic impacts on <br />surrounding properties and neighborhoods that generate calls for code enforcement <br />and police services. Since 2010, the Code Enforcement Division has received and <br />reviewed 48 complaints for such facilities. The nature of these complaints includes <br />unpermitted storage and construction; sanitation, health, or safety concerns; <br />operating beyond approved operations or operating standards specified by the <br />SAMC; outdoor business activity; debris, trash, and litter; graffiti; homeless <br />encampments; and unpermitted or excess signage. <br />Ordinance No. NS-3004 <br />Page 2 of 8 <br />
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