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In order to conserve on paper all lab notes will be implemented and stored digitally in our <br />servers to for conservation purposes and will only be printed out upon request. We are utilizing <br />surface book tablets for most of our lab work when it comes to collecting signatures and <br />taking.Per the state of California all sample picks up for compliance state testing, require us to <br />drive. In order to reduce gas emissions, Excelbis labs will be utilizing hybrid or electric cars for <br />its courier pick-ups. Excelbis labs currently uses a hybrid Toyota prius as its designated lab pick <br />up vehicle, to conserve and gas and promote an eco-friendly method of transportation. <br />Local Hiring and Sourcing <br />Becoming a cannabis testing lab in Santa Ana brings opportunity for more jobs in the <br />community. We will work with local colleges to help hire part time students along with putting <br />an internship program together to help students who want to get into this field, permitting they <br />are 21 and over. We plan on reaching out to the Santa Ana college and OCC science <br />departments and work out a program where once a month the colleges students can sign up <br />and take a tour of the facility and ask our Lab director questions and see if it would be a good <br />fit. While most of the lab work needs to be done by college graduates. Current students still in <br />school are able to work in our intake room where they can handle samples, tag them and <br />prepare them to begin the testing process. We plan on sending job openings to the local <br />colleges to fill this role. We plan on hitting a hiring goal of 50% local hiring <br />We will also work with the local unemployment office for anyjob openings to fill non lab <br />roles, such as a becoming a lab courier, account rep or customer service. All of our employees <br />and owners will sign a labor peace agreement to show that we are fair and do not want to have <br />any future issues. We believe that running a business is like being in a family and we want our <br />employees to be treated just like that. <br />Since starting this lab Excelbis has continually sourced services from local business in the <br />city of Santa Ana. Our current service providers in the city is Airgas for our gases, American <br />Alarm for all security purposes and fire sprinkler alarm system, we utilize an independent IT <br />company 133net for all our IT needs, OC express handles all of our weekly office cleaning and <br />monthly lab cleaning. We will continue using services in the city whenever available. <br />As a resident of Santa Ana I have seen the city change immensely in the past two years <br />since cannabis has been legalized and seen the city grow in a positive light with new <br />developments being built while simultaneously attracting people to move to the city just to <br />work in this new and evolving industry. I look forward hiring and growing my business within <br />the community. <br />Payment and Fees <br />Excelbis Labs has hired a professional accountant who is familiar with the cannabis CA State <br />Regulations to make sure that all our tax payments and fees get paid on a timely manner. <br />