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Budget Information 4 Engineering support for projects and permitsIT, Fleet, Insurance, Building Maintenance, City Yard and Central Stores, •to the General Fund.majority are underfunded. <br /> Funding sources are overhead charges, primarily Internal Service Funds account for centralized support services. The •approval for spending (grant applications, program approval).restrictions. <br /> Many restricted funding sources require separate City Council Most of the focus is on the General Fund, as other funds have spending •Contracts and Commodities are set at zero and <br /> departments must justify all•calculation for employee compensationWe’ve improved employee position control and tightened up the budget •increases, and required CalPERS contributionsBaseline <br /> assumptions include negotiated employee comp increases, step •based approach:-a hybrid zerorequests/justifications for additions to the baseline). We’re moving towards The City has <br /> an incremental budget process (departments submit • <br /> <br />