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Table 1: A table compiled of workforce data from Americans for the Arts and Dun and Bradstreet, adapted from the <br />Santa Ana Arts Future: Community Arts and Cultural Master Plan 2016. <br />Our community has suffered because of the absence of the arts during the novel Coronavirus pandemic <br />and shutdown. Our first responders have helped to save lives; our artists, as second responders, are <br />needed in the healing process. The Arts and Culture Commission recommends two considerations for <br />funding: (1) funding to kickstart the arts community through funding streams from the American Rescue <br />Plan Act (2) sustainable, ongoing funding from the Santa Ana General Budget not tied to grants and <br />short-term funding streams. We propose the following two areas of investment and recommended <br />funding sources. The ACC Master Plan already has designated a 2% from CIP city projects for public art <br />which needs city council approval to enact. <br />AMERICAN RESCUE PLAN ACT (ARPA) <br />$1,000,000 <br />Arts & Economic Prosperity Study <br />$9,000 <br />G ra nt for Recovery Program <br />$500,000 <br />Arts for Homelessness <br />$100,000 <br />Youth Programming <br />$100,000 <br />Neighborhood Arts Program <br />$200,000 <br />Mural Restoration <br />$40,000 <br />Cultural Events <br />$51,000 <br />GENERAL BUDGET (Ongoing) <br />$275,000 <br />Grant Program <br />$175,000 <br />Arts Education Programming <br />$100,000 <br />FUNDING SOURCES <br />Cannabis <br />Initiative 8.1.1: Adopt a two percent for art ordinance or policy for all City CIP <br />projects (from ACC Master Plan (2016)) <br />Table 2: A breakdown of proposed arts investments. <br />"Arte cura" is uttered often by the artists and arts advocates here in Santa Ana. That is because the arts <br />are also an incredible vehicle for connecting people and inspiring those who feel isolated or <br />discouraged —as many of us have experienced in unprecedented ways during this pandemic. Investing in <br />the arts is an investment in our economy, and it is also an investment in our people. It is an investment in <br />