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Approve Appropriation Adjustments, Amend Cl P, and Award Construction Contract South <br />Main Street Corridor Improvements Project <br />January 19, 2021 <br />Page 4 <br />As indicated in the Cost Analysis (Exhibit 5) and as summarized in the table below, the <br />estimated total construction delivery cost of the project is $18,309,245. In accordance <br />with the Public Works Agency's "Dig -Once" philosophy, during construction, the condition <br />of the waterline will be assessed. If it is determined that repairs or replacement are <br />needed, this work will be added to the project to avoid unnecessary future impacts to the <br />new improvements or disruptions to the community. An allowance of $2,500,000 is <br />budgeted for this potential water main work and will only be used if needed. <br />Project Item <br />Total <br />Construction Contract <br />$12,759,695 <br />Construction Administration, Inspection, Testing <br />$1,599,050 <br />Project Contingencies <br />$1,450,500 <br />Water Main Repair Contingencies <br />$2,500,000 <br />TOTAL CONSTRUCTION DELIVERY COST <br />$18,309,245 <br />ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT <br />In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act, the recommended actions <br />are exempt from further review. Categorical Exemption Environmental Review Nos. ER- <br />2020-102, ER-2020-103, ER-2020-104, ER-2020-105, ER-2020-109, and ER-2020-110 <br />were filed for the project. <br />FISCAL IMPACT <br />As indicated in the Cost Analysis, the estimated total construction delivery cost of the <br />project is $18,309,245, which includes construction, contract administration, inspection, <br />testing, and authorized contingencies of $3,950,500. Approval of the requested <br />Appropriation Adjustments will provide the following funding: <br />1. Recognize $3,791,468 from prior year fund balance in the Sanitary Sewer Fund, <br />Capital Recovery Charges, Prior Year Carryforward revenue account (No. <br />05417001-50001) and appropriate the same amount to the Sanitary Sewer Fund, <br />Capital Recovery Charges, Improvements Other Than Building expenditure <br />account (No. 05717647-66220). <br />2. Recognize $3,863,143 from prior year fund balance in the Water Fund, Public <br />Works Water Revenue, Prior Year Carryforward revenue account (No. 06017002- <br />50001) and appropriate the same amount to the Acquisition & Construction, Water <br />Utility Capital Projects, Water Capital Project expenditure account (No. 06617647- <br />66301). <br />3. Recognize $71,407 from prior year fund balance in the Peebler Fund Capital <br />Project Revenue, Prior Year Carryforward revenue account (no. 41818002-50001) <br />