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occurred. Any excess PLUS loan must be returned to the parent unless the parent authorizes in writing to transfer the <br />proceeds to a student directly. <br />2EE SCHOOL AND CAMPITS ACT F <br />Advanced College is a state approved private postsecondary institution that is required to have all students follow the <br />standards of conduct required by the state of California regarding the Drug -Free Schools and Campuses Act. The use, <br />possession, or distribution of alcoholic beverages, illicit drugs and/or controlled substances is strictly prohibited by all <br />employees and students on school property or any site associated with instruction of AC students. Advanced College <br />supports a drug -free environment and students/staff must comply with this policy. A violation will result in taking <br />appropriate action up to and including termination as outlined below. As a result, random drug/alcohol screenings or search <br />may be conducted of the students/staff in our commitment to provide a safe drug -free environment. Training is conducted <br />during Orientation for students and employees. If a student is convicted of a drug -related offense after admission, he or she <br />must notify the Campus Director within five (5) days of the conviction. <br />A violation of this policy is considered a major offense, which may result in requirement for satisfactory participation in a <br />drug or alcohol rehabilitation program, referral for criminal prosecution, and/or immediate disciplinary action up to and <br />including termination from employment and suspension or expulsion from the school. A criminal conviction is not required <br />for sanctions to be imposed upon an employee or student for violations of this policy. Violations of applicable local, state and <br />federal laws may subject a student or employee to a variety of legal sanctions including but not limited to fines, <br />incarceration, imprisonment, and seizure of property, loss of eligibility for federal benefits, including federal Financial Aid, <br />suspension, revocation, or denial of driver's license and/or community service requirements. Convictions become a part of <br />an individual's criminal record and may prohibit certain career and professional opportunities. <br />For more information about specific circumstances, students/staff should consult applicable local, state, and federal law <br />and/or seek legal counsel. A federal or state drug conviction may disqualify a student from using federal student aid. A <br />local or municipal conviction may not disqualify. Convictions which occur during the time student was receiving federal <br />financial aid are counted against students for aid eligibility. <br />Advanced College does not provide drug counseling, treatment, or rehabilitation programs as part of our student services; <br />however, students will be given referrals to counseling, treatments, or rehabilitation programs available to all students. If a <br />student has a problem with any association with drugs and alcohol, they will be tested by a certified testing agency. If the test <br />results in a positive determination by the certified testing agency, the student will be referred to counseling. Students who <br />are terminated from the program because of testing positive for drug use can only be re -admitted after they have successfully <br />completed a certified rehabilitation program. <br />CAMPUS SECURITY AND ACCESS TO CAMPUS FACILITY <br />Students are informed about security and safety/emergency procedures during orientation. Faculty and staff are informed <br />during New Employee Orientation in Emergency and Evacuation policy/procedures, campus security procedures and safety. <br />Fire and disaster drills are held annually, and students and staff are informed that it is the responsibility of each person to <br />adhere to all safety and security practices. All students/faculty/staff should onlybe on campus during scheduled school hours, <br />or while attending to other legitimate academic or administrative functions and are required to wear and display their badge. <br />All visitors are required to sign in with the front desk. Students/faculty/staff are informed about security and <br />safety/emergency procedures during orientation to promote awareness of crime prevention, assault, and other harmful acts. <br />During these orientations, they are also informed of good practices in crime prevention (including securing their vehicle and <br />other personal property) and how to report a crime, emergency, or other incident. All crimes, security incidents, serious <br />injuries or severe illness incidents should be recorded on an Incident Report Form and given to the Campus Director. <br />Students or staff who suspect a crime has been committed or are the victim of any type of criminal act should immediately <br />report it to the Campus Director. If you witness a crime in progress or are a victim, you can also call 9t1 or report directly to <br />local law enforcement agencies, and then notify the Campus Director. AC prepares an Annual Security Report each year of <br />the crime statistics (inclusive of but not limited to murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft, <br />hate crimes, drug abuse violations, weapons possessions) and notes any significant changes in policy, procedures, locations <br />and key individuals since the last report if applicable, and will adhere to requirements detailed in the Title IV Federal Student <br />Aid Handbook. <br />EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES <br />This plan explains the procedures to take in case of emergencies such as accidents, illnesses, bomb threats, natural disasters, <br />fires, and campus disturbances/domestic violence. If a significant emergency or dangerous situation involving an immediate <br />threat to the health or safety of students or employees occurs, all parties will be notified. All students/faculty/staff must <br />immediately evacuate the building whenever the fire alarm sounds. Prior to initiating the Emergency Preparedness Plan, the <br />39 <br />