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COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br />21. "Premises damage" means: <br />a. With respect to the first paragraph of the <br />exceptions in Exclusion -, of Section K — <br />Coverage A — Bodily Injury And Property <br />Damage Liability, "property damage" to any <br />premises while nanbad to you for a period of <br />seven or fewer consecutive deys, including the <br />contents ofsuch premises; or <br />b. With respect tothe exception to Exclusions c. <br />through In. in the last paragraph of Paragraph 2. <br />of Section U — CoverageA— Bodily Injury And <br />Property Damage Liability, "property damage" ho <br />any premises while rented 10you for aperiod of <br />more than seven consecutive days, or while <br />temporarily occupied by you with permission of <br />the owner, caused by: <br />(1) Fire; <br />(2) ; <br />(3) Lightning; <br />(4) Smoke resulting from fire, explosion or <br />lightning; or <br />(5) Water. <br />But "premises damage" under this Paragraph <br />b. does not include "property damage" to any <br />premises caused by: <br />(1) Rupture, burstinQ, or operation of pressure <br />relief devices; <br />(2) Rupture or bursting due to expansion or <br />swelling of the contents of any building or <br />structure caused by or resulting from water; <br />or <br />(3) Explosion of steam bolers, steam pipes. <br />steam engines or steam turbines. <br />22."Prmducts-cmmpletedoperations hazanf: <br />a. Includes all "bodily injury" and "property <br />damage" occurring away from premises you <br />own or rent and arising out of"your product" or <br />"your work" except: <br />(1) Products that are sb|| in your physical <br />possession; or <br />(2) Work that has not yet been completed or <br />abandoned. However. ',your work" will be <br />deemed completed at the earliest of the <br />following times: <br />(a) When all of the work called for in your <br />contract has been completed. <br />(b) When all of the work to be done at the <br />job site has been completed if your <br />Page 20 of 21 <br />contract calls for work at more than <br />one job site. <br />(c) When that part of the work done at a <br />job she has been put to its intended <br />use byany person ororganization other <br />than another contractor or <br />subcontractor working on the same <br />project. <br />Work that may need senvice, maintenance, <br />correction, repair or replacement, but which <br />is otherwise complete, will be treated as <br />completed. <br />b. Does not include "bodily injury" or "property <br />damage" arising out mt <br />(1) The transportation of property, unless the <br />injury or damage arises out of condition in <br />or on a vehicle not owned or operated by <br />you, and that condition was created by the <br />"loading or unloading" of that vehicle by any <br />(2) The existence of toos, unins1a|led <br />equipment or abandoned or unused <br />materials; or <br />(3) Products or operations for which the <br />classification, listed in the Declarations or <br />in a policy Schedu|e, states that products - <br />completed operations are subject to the <br />General Aggregate Limit. <br />23'^Property means: <br />e. Physical 'injury to tangible propety, including all <br />resulting kaa of use of that property. All such <br />loss ofuse will bedeemed to occur at the time of <br />the physical injury that caused it; or <br />b. Loss of use of tangible property that is not <br />physically injured. All such loss of use will be <br />deemed to occur atthe time of the "occurrence" <br />that caused it. <br />For the purposes of this insurance, "electronic data" <br />is not tangible property. <br />24. "Slogan": <br />a. Means aphrase that others use for the purpose <br />nfattracting attention intheir advertising. <br />b' Does not include a phrase used as, or in, the <br />name of: <br />(1) Any person or organization, other than you; <br />or <br />(2) Any business, or any of the premises, <br />goods, products, services or work, of any <br />person or organiza <br />@umrThe Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved. <br />Includes copyrighted material nfInsurance Services Office, Inc. with its permission. <br />