Exhibit 1
<br />Estimate
<br />davebong iMMMMM
<br />a1111111M Mm CA246359
<br />II , I D I I-1 u j II , mMMMMMm
<br />'Scr ul IlpY yl1Jard aa Idlor La nl pU¢vy Icr Linq Lo ppr cvcnL in uiLs, vandal I' III ancVor icudcr Lai Llarnayc to insLa I area or to the rLbbcr nc Ll sui lau' whdc 1 scls is
<br />NOT In-11rrIpo Im1e s nr,rerl o , rlunrP. If Ile irerl, the ',nar311p . ran f IT I I rlurinn ral.P, If fit Irpmpnr lry rp vhrg i� rTfOmmPladpo Alrhnurth clip fp n, t If
<br />prov dad is ntenced to provide mis security. the overall security of me pi operty Is ultimately the respond bility at customer. We are not responsible for any
<br />vwrlahrin or '.. rifir es wen with role provb:ion of the fencing.
<br />7. ADA Access
<br />*Pla L4aiprncnt MUST b2'.,n5[3 ttl Over an.mp3CCdb501b.ng iuiracc,i.(h aS AUAC010p1',aOt Lngincercd WOOCI Fiber sir Ribber Sitric!rlg. -r [lot gUG(c(. please
<br />call YC, details.
<br />*I hi i 3re315 NO ADA COmpl., ant With OCt the r --uALation of rnryph.rn[ -IL facing 11u'1 31I ,rrP U e Tor re up in and nro The playgrnunl 31 e.3. Please r311 for
<br />details
<br />R. Poured -in -Place Rubber Surfacinn
<br />*RLbber Surfacing cure me is normally 48-72 nours and can vary dependinq an weather conditions.
<br />'Rr, hl:pr Surtart )g -annot oe installen during extreme weather ronmrion; inn may ab:n nor lip )walled if ra'...I) or fm<r ic forera.r ouring Thin o3re rime.
<br />'40-1IOU[ Manucd S"Ur Ly is NOT IndUdod 101 rubber.
<br />9. Shade Shelters (non DSA1
<br />`Shade Shelter in tallatl on rice EXCLUDES unless otherwise stated in this quote - engineering, permit,, permit submittal, site plans, special Inspect'. ons. soil
<br />repors: Impair fees. spedaPa le ,,ment fop,. Customer is responsible Inl any acid all of rheip lrem if rPquirpd oy The CIry.
<br />'Shale Shelter n)anur ¢urc Clme 1: r-B wecl<s. Pcrmlcury can JULI 2-4wcel0 Ur more Co Iead Circle PLEASE NOTES,wdc Orders arc NOT rclo-i,eLI Inca (trod UCCIU11
<br />until permit is issued!
<br />*Sh3.: e Shelter ff ata1I300.1 PHOe X(:_UUL'S COOCrete pad, toor., og.., n1a:O111y COI...prir,, electrical WII'. rig 3iid 11yri[ unle<s ouierWlie rioted
<br />10. Shade Shelters (DSA)
<br />""0-8 Wcck Icad Tine I.. AFTER DSA approval byyoL.r aYUdtcCC Ur chUILC
<br />C,,srom Bl'ro rBCPNB Shady shelter. It -PCP v ng by I1.5 '.s npedpd, pleas& call for pric'. ng an0 sere Is,
<br />`Join e, he rmnfAPtipo In one mob 1173T On. Arlrlin anal moves will he ar1mr-lonal p, lr'.. ng if we if, P regr red TO renrnnII17& du& To srhpdnle ssup., se:p w. rk nr .a rielay
<br />In nor,, not CJL:SCd by U_
<br />i f'rlrinr) floes NOT Indlln B, arChlTPCtI,ral ;Irawings, 9rP/pinr plan;, DSA Snhmltt3l tPPS, Job S'.TP In Tpernr fees, Shnp welt'. Tin In SpPCnnn IBPS, 3ndllnr pBYmItS
<br />*IAA in -plant Wolding InSprrtn IT nn hit IIf by rh,r 5r'nnnl 1) Srr. rr. WNrI ng ins[,( Tibor fir his. NOT hill (p for( (I
<br />*school Ddtnct I ArchiLCCL Iu ponsiblu roc ,ubnr s:ion or plans Lo DSA for DSA approval
<br />`faonca ron cannot start unt I inspections have seen coordinated. colors have been selected, and approved plans received
<br />'Ta'Orir anon cannot Start Unnl in5pertinns have Oppo cOor(lin3ted, colors have. been SPIPrteO, and approved plat is Ieceived.
<br />11. Prevail; no Wages
<br />`Prcv3111i i[A WagcS NOT if [.Ijdcij unlccS UtherwlSc riotcJ. (IC Davlc Rarun, TFRO, Ct ) If TniS U` a Picvallh,y Wdye pro)jcj, fdcaSc rcyUc5t alter-iatc priring.
<br />'II P, e,r,d Try Wages I Davis BJCan Wages were INCLUDED. all U-ner sped.A war lees NOT irclu Lled - Add.. Liorial '_ ibor Charges may;ipply it JlLerris.e labor Is
<br />re Q'lire,,.
<br />*If D1R Pru-LL'- Rcyl do - Ull is rnlU'.. red, work may rLA ul,yw c,,L,l we r,,,'.. vc Dili Prujc,-, ID utunbcr
<br />12inderrin by Prely Slnn
<br />'NLI wlLh1WHU ny onyLhiny to the ctu,uary in any CanLraCL Documents we shall have no duty Lu defend or irlijeftirl ;ly Owner, CUstorner, or arty a her parry we
<br />a rpE in,PfPr,Cl or iolemnify in any Cpntrart Uo(;Umpnt5 for mar porno Of ary dal in arising out Of T' P COmpdianVe faUlr of any parry we AL PC To LlpfPi if or
<br />irucnmay in any CUrAfaLL DUCWnahL`1
<br />13. insurance
<br />Available Insurance
<br />,.m1) Plla I Fcrp,, I la Bility:
<br />Ildl OLLAIrenCe- $2,000,000.00
<br />AggregaLe-;
<br />General Li3b.lity _ mire
<br />Dc(Iurublc - 42.500.00
<br />Etch Occurrence - ti
<br />I)aToanPTO RpI-- ^------
<br />-. �f ty Q..00Ih
<br />r 01 A s �4i-5 4/20/2021
<br />Io,1 rn
<br />,r In
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