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GUIDELINES FOR WIRELESS FACILITIES, <br />IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY/����� <br />i. Streetlight Attachment <br />Too -of -Pole Mounted Antenna <br />1.1 A top-of-polc mountcd antcnna is prcfcrrcd, <br />when technically feasible. <br />1.2 The antenna shall be the smallest possible <br />volume but in no case greater than three (3) <br />cubic feet. <br />1.3 To the extent technically feasible, the antenna <br />must be concealed in a radio frequency (RF) <br />transparent screen. If concealment is not <br />technically feasible, the Antenna shall be as <br />close as possible to the pole or installed flushed <br />to pole and coated or painted an approved color <br />to <br />1.4 Match the existing pole. The small size of the antenna or RF screen and <br />color treatment is considered to camouflage the installation. <br />1.5 Top -of -pole mounted installations shall not increase the height by more than <br />five (5) feet over the height of the existing pole. The maximum height of the <br />streetlight, including shroud, shall be thirty five (35) feet. <br />1.6 Comply with City Standard Plan #1126K. <br />2. Side Mounted Antenna <br />2A Equipment shroud shall be mounted flush to the pole. <br />2.2 The antenna shall be the smallest possible volume but in no case greater than <br />thrcc (3) cubic fcct. <br />2.3 Equipment shroud mounted facing away from approaching traffic is preferred. <br />2A Equipment shroud shall be no wider than the maximurn outside diameter of <br />the pole, to the extent possible. <br />2.5 Antenna and/or equipment shroud shall not protrude more than eighteen (18) <br />inches from the surface of the streetlight. All cables shall be concealed inside <br />the pole. <br />2.6 When the antenna is mounted to the pole with a bracket, the bracket shall be <br />coated or painted an approved color to match the existing pole. <br />2.7 Comply with City Standard Plan #1126K. <br />ii. Streetlight Replacement <br />1. The applicant may propose a streetlight replacement in order to accommodate a <br />wireless facility. In such rase, the new infrastructure shall be dedicated to the City <br />and will have a primary purpose other than a wireless facility and the wireless facility <br />will be the secondary use. <br />2. If a replacement streetlight is proposed to accommodate a wireless facility, the <br />replacement pole shall be a stealth facility and designed to resemble existing poles <br />s1 <br />City Council 8-7 5/4/2021 <br />