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GUIDELINES FOR WIRELESS FACILITIES, <br />IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY/����� <br />the pole and running parallel to the pole, of the absolute minimum diameter necessary <br />for concealment, and painted to match the pole. At transition to strand, should run <br />directly along the strand (painted to match) to wireless facility. <br />iv. Wood Utility Pole Attachment <br />1.1 Antenna and/or equipment shall be mounted to a cross <br />arm. <br />1.2 Antenna and/or equipment Shall be concealed in a <br />cylindrical shroud, including cables connections, <br />antenna mount and Other hardware. GPS antennas <br />must be placed within the shroud or directly above the <br />shroud, not to exceed six (6) inches. <br />1.3 The antenna shall be the smallest possible volume but <br />in no case greater than three (3) cubic feet. <br />1A The cross arm should be parallel to roadway. <br />1.5 All horizontal cables shall be encased within the <br />bracket arm to the extent technically feasible. <br />1.6 The bracket used to attach antenna and/or equipment <br />to cross arm shall be coated or painted an approved <br />color to match the existing pole and create a single, <br />unified body. <br />1.7 To the extent technically feasible, all wiring running <br />along the length of the pole shall be enclosed in <br />appropriate conduit colored to match the existing pole <br />and installed flush to the pole (no riser/drop or <br />equipment stand-off brackets). Otherwise, cabling <br />traversing the pole shall be covered using minimum two <br />(2) inches in diameter riser/drop. <br />Side Mounted Antenna <br />On Cross Aim <br />1.8 Equipment installed on a cross arm shall be coated or <br />painted an approved color to match the existing pole. <br />1.9 Maximum length of cross arm: 48' <br />1.10 Max antenna height: 36" <br />1.11 Antennas and/or equipment should be placed in an effort to minimize visual <br />clutter and obtrusiveness. <br />1.12 Equipment shall be mounted directly to the pole at a minimum of eight (8) feet <br />above the existing grade and coated or painted an approved color to match <br />the existing pole. <br />1.13 Equipment, other than antennas and radios, are preferred underground or <br />below grade. <br />1.14 A wood utility pole may be replaced with a taller pole for the purposes of <br />accommodating a wireless facility, provided, that the replacement pole shall <br />not increase the height of the existing pole by more than ten percent (10%) of <br />71 <br />City Council 8 — 9 5/4/2021 <br />