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EXHIBIT 1 <br />or other agencies prohibited trom eiteaitng data into IIMIS, documentation from the FIMIS lead agency certifying <br />that the SLIBRECIPIENT is using a comparable database shall be attached to this agreement as Exhibit E. <br />(3) FIMIS Interagency Data Sharing Agreement. The SLBRECIPIENT shall enter into an Interagency Data <br />Sharing Agreement with the I3MIS Lead Agency where the SUBRL-C:IPILM agrees to share HMIS data with <br />other 1:SG horded agencies regarding clients that are served in PSG funded programs, unless prohibited by law - <br />A copy of such agreement shall be attached as Exhibit F-1. <br />(A-) '1 he SUBRI VIPII NT agrees to provide 21 lOC with all required data needed to complete <br />data analysis regarding project performance, data timeliness, or data quality. <br />F. Audit Report Requirements <br />The SLBBRECIPIENT agrees that if the SLIBRECIPIENT expends Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollans <br />(S750,000.00) or more in federal hinds, the SJ IBRECIPIENT shall have an annual audit conducted by a c c ufic d <br />public accountant in accordance with the stanclarcts as set forth and published by the United Staics Office of <br />Management and Budget (2 CFR 200.501a). The SLBRECIPIENT shall provide the CITY with a copy of said audit <br />by April 1 of the year following the program year in which this AGREEMENT is executed. Further, the <br />SLIBRS:CIPIEN'1 shall comply and/or cause compliance with audit report(s) required by applicable provisions of the <br />Lead-13ased Paint Regulations as further detailed below- <br />VIII. EVALUATION AND MONF1'ORING <br />A- Getnenally <br />The CI IN will monitor the performance of the SUBRECIPIENT against goals and performance standards as <br />required ]Herein- The SiJJIR1 CIPIFNT shall provide the CITY all necessary reporting information as required by <br />the CITY in the adaninistration and review of the Prosaram. Substandard pci-formance as determined by the CITY <br />will constitute noncompliant: with this AGREEMENT. If action to correct such substandard performance is not <br />talcen by the SLIBRECIPIENT within a reasonable period of tmnc after being notified by the CITY, contract <br />suspension or tenmination procedure will be initiated- <br />B. Access to Records <br />The SLIBRECIPIENT gives the CITY and HUD, including their authorized representative, access to and the right <br />to examine all records, books, papers, items, emails, and documents, both physical and electronic, relating to the <br />program. <br />C. Audit <br />The CITY shall have the right to audit and nnonitor any program income as a result of an ESG activity. Upon <br />request by the CITY and for audit purposes, the SUBRI:CIPIENT further agrees to provide all files, records, and <br />documents pertaining to related activities and clientele demographic data. <br />Ix. LIABILITY <br />A- Generally <br />City Council 14 — 20 5/4/2021 <br />