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EXHIBIT 2 <br />National Community Development Association <br />Emergency Rental Assistance Overview <br />Congress included $25 billion in emergency rental assistance in the Consolidated Appropriations Act of <br />2021. The President signed the measure into law on December 27, 2020. The legislation includes an <br />extension of the federal eviction moratorium through January 31, 2021. The legislation also extends the <br />disbursement deadline for the CARES Act Coronavirus Relief Fund from December 31, 2020 to December <br />31, 2021. <br />Federal Administration <br />The Treasury Department will adrnini M r the program. <br />Distribution Formula <br />Tribal corn inuniLies, U.S. rerrirories, scares (including the District of Columbia), and local governrnenrs <br />with populations over 200,000 arc eligible to receive funding. Approximately $400 million will be <br />allocated to U.S. territories and $800 million to tribal communities. Approximately $23.7 billion will be <br />available for allocation to states and local governments. <br />The funding will be distributed to states based on the states population according to the 2019 Census <br />data. Each state will receive no less than $200 million. Forty-five percent of a state's allocation will be <br />made available to local governments with populations over 200,000 (based on the 2019 Census data). <br />To receive funding, eligible local governments must submit a certification signed by the chief <br />executive of the locality to the Treasury Department by January 26, 2021. Treasury has not released <br />the certification form yet. <br />NCDA encourages those localities that are not eligible for a direct allocation to reach out to their state or <br />county (if they are located within an urban county) to seek funding. <br />Duplication of Benefits <br />No duplication of benefits. Renters receiving rental assistance through this program cannot also receive <br />rental assistance under another federal program. <br />Use of Funds <br />Grantees can use up to 10%of their allocation for administrative expenses. The remaining 90% must be <br />used for rent, rental arrears, utilities, utility arrears, and other housing expenses resulting from the <br />pandernic for households meeting the criteria below; up to 10% can be used for case management or <br />other services. The assistance can last up to 12 months plus an additional three months, if necessary, to <br />ensure housing stability. <br />Timeframe for Clblieatine Funds <br />I he I reasury Department will recapture any funds not obligated by September 30, 2021. Unobligated <br />funds will be recaptured and reallocated to those grantees who have obligated at least 65 percent of <br />their grant by September 30, 2021. The amount of the reallocation will be based on demonstrated need, <br />to be determined by the Treasury Department. <br />EliMble Households <br />City Council 9 — 23 716/2021 <br />