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Rainbow Crosswalks in Downtown Santa Ana <br />•It will cost approximately $8,000 to install one rainbow crosswalk leg. If there are four <br />crosswalks at an intersection and all four crosswalks are to be painted with rainbow <br />crosswalks, it will cost approximately $32,000 to paint all four crosswalks. <br />•If there is more than one crosswalk at a particular intersection, staff recommends that <br />all the marked crosswalks at the intersection be painted rainbow colors to match. <br />•Staff has identified the crosswalks on Broadway at 2nd Street as a possible location to <br />install rainbow crosswalks. <br />•The design would need to comply with the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control <br />Devices (CA MUTCD) requirements, which, among other specifications, require that the <br />white outer lines remain. <br />•The installation is expected to last three to five years, with a yearly maintenance cost <br />estimate of $1,500. <br />Rainbow Crosswalks <br />City Manager’s Office <br />Slide 10 <br />July 20, 2021 <br /> <br />