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This endorsement modifies insairanco providwi Linder the folfoyAng: <br />BUSS NESSOWNERS LIABILiTY COVERAGE FORM <br />BUSINESSOWNElid COMMON POLICY CONDII IONS <br />insurance is provided only with respect to those coverages for whicJi a SPOCifiC lifflit is shown: <br />- - ------------ . ...................... <br />Vito Uab <br />. ........... ... <br />- Ft-i7i wised A u t oJ7! <br />(if no entry appears above, Information required to complete this endorsement will be shown In the Declarations as <br />applicable to this endorsement.) <br />PROVISIONS <br />A. COVERAGE <br />With respect only to the Covernge(s) for which a Ilmh is shown in the SCHEDULE above, the insurance provided <br />under Coverage A.I. Buslnesii Liability for "bodily injury" and "property damage" also applies to "bodily Injury" or <br />"property damage" ahsing out eat the maintenance or use of a: <br />• "Hired auto' used by you or your "amployee" in they course of your busine&.%; and/or <br />• "Non-amied auto" used in Vie cours(a of your business. MaintAmance or use of a 'rion-owned auto" indudes test <br />driving In connection with curl "auto business." <br />With respect only to the coverage provided by fts endorsement, under Coverages, coverage A.I. Business Liability <br />is amended to: <br />1. Delete paragraph AA.b.(I)(d) and replace it vAth the following: <br />b. This Insurance appiles: <br />(i) 10"bWily InjUryand "property damage" oNy It <br />(b) The 'occurrence" occurs during the policy period, and <br />2. Delete paragraph A.I.b.(2),. <br />8. LIMITS OF INSURANCE <br />W0 respect only to the coverage provided by this endorsement, SECTION D. Liability And Madical Expenses <br />Limits of Insurance is deleted in its entirety and replaced voth the following., <br />D. Limits Of Insurance <br />1. Regardless of the nurnher of: <br />a. Insureds; <br />b. Claims made ear "saints'" brought; <br />o. Persons or organizattons making dairris or bringing "suits"i or <br />MOM d. "Autos," <br />the applicable Hired Au W Liability litnit or Non -Owned Auto Liability limit shown in the Dedarations is the most <br />we will pay for damages under SECTION A. Coverages because of all "bodily injury" and "property daniage" <br />resulting from any one "r=urrence" arising out of the maintenance or use of a "hired auto" or "non -owned <br />aim auto." <br />14690213 (Ed. 6-16) <br />.... ....... . . ....... - _.__.. - <br />Page I of 3 RA Mougmumt Division <br />REVIEWED & APPROVED BY. <br />Copyright, CNA Aga R4ts Reserved. off,Aj,:z Aezv4�, <br />Risk Management Specialist <br />y <br />