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S8146902G <br />CKA (Ed. 6-16) <br />Paragraph f. does not include that part of any contract or agreement: <br />* That perWris to the loan, lease or rental of an "aUtO" to you or any of your "employees," if the "auto" is loaned, <br />leased or rented with a df Ne °; or <br />* That holds a person or organization engaged in the Nisiness of transporting property by "auto" for hire harmless <br />for your use of a covered "auto" over a mule or territory that person or organization is authorized to serve by <br />Public authorfty, <br />jn" rr ar <br />Section F. Definitions is arnendetl by the addition of the followng definitions: <br />a. "Auto Business" means the tusiness or occupation of selling, repairing,, servicing, storing or parking "autos," <br />b. ftHired auto" means any "BUtV YOU or your "employee" lease, hire, rent or borrow In the course of your busine <br />This does not Indudw I <br />1. Any "auto" you lease, hive or rent under a le or rental agreement for a period of 180 days or more, or <br />IL Any "auto" you lease, hi-e, rent or borrow from any of your "employees," partners, stockholders, or members <br />of their households, <br />c. "Non -owned auto!' means a iy "autos" you do not. own, lease, hire, rent or borrow that are being used in the <br />course and srope of your business at the time of the "occurrence," This includes "autos" owned by your <br />"employees" or partners or nembers of their households but only while being used in the (murse and scope of <br />your business at the firne of !he "occurrence," <br />If you are. a sole proprietor, "non -owned auto" means any "autos* You do not own, lease, hire, rent or borrow (fiat <br />are being used In the course and scope of your business or personal affairs at &w tirne of the voccurrence." <br />G. With respect only k) the operat�on of a "hired auto" or "non -owned auto," Paragraph H, of the Businessowners <br />Common Policy Conditions is doeted and replar.PA with the followingl- <br />H. Other Insurance <br />9. Except for any liability &;sumed under an "insured contract" the insurance provided by Vita Coverage Form is <br />excess over any other c.ollectible insurance. <br />However, if your busing ss is the ";ry g, servicinq, repairing, parking or stoma of "autos," the insurance <br />provided by this adorsoment 6- printary when (mvered "bodily Injury" or "property damage" arises, out of the <br />operation of as customer'; "auto" by you or your "employee.' <br />2. When teals Coverage For rn and any other Coverage Form or policy covers on the same basis, either excess or <br />primary, we will pay onf, i our share. Our share Is the proportion that the Limit of Insurance of our Coverage <br />Form beers to the total of the limb of all the Coverage Forms and policies covering on the same basis. <br />AN other terms and conditions of the f loficy remain unchanged. <br />SB146902G (Ed. 6-16) <br />Page 3 of 3 <br />Copyright, CNA N1 Rqghts Resrovpd. <br />RA Mougmumt DMslcrn <br />REVIEWED & APPROVED BY. <br />Risk Management Specialist <br />V NJ <br />