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specifically intended to prevent such <br />unauthorized access or use; or <br />N. Any actual or alleged failure of any Insured to <br />honor an Insured's cost guarantee or cost <br />estimates for Professional Services rendered or <br />to be rendered; or <br />O. Any fee dispute or suit for fees initiated by any <br />Insured against any past or current client of the <br />Insured; or <br />P. Any actual or alleged rendering or failure to <br />render investment or insurance counseling or C. <br />advice; the purchase or selling of, or failure to <br />purchase or sell an investment or insurance of <br />any kind; or any Insured's advice, promise(s) or <br />guarantee(s) regarding the future value of any <br />investments or interest rate or rate of return; or <br />any Insured's advice, promise(s) or guarantee(s) <br />regarding the coverage provided or not provided <br />by insurance of any kind. <br />V. DEFENSE AND SETTLEMENT D. <br />A. The Company, as it deems expedient, has the <br />right to investigate, adjust, defend, appeal and, <br />with the consent of an Insured, negotiate the <br />settlement of any Claim whether within or above <br />the Deductible. If an Insured refuses to consent <br />to a settlement recommended by the Company, <br />the Company's obligation to any Insured for <br />Loss and Claims Expense attributable to such <br />Claim(s) shall be limited to: <br />1. The amount of the covered Loss in excess of <br />the Deductible which the Company would <br />have paid in settlement at the time the <br />Insured first refused to settle; <br />2. Plus covered Claims Expenses incurred up <br />to the date the Insured first refused to settle; <br />3. Plus seventy-five percent (75%) of covered <br />Claims Expenses and Loss in excess of the <br />first settlement amount recommended by the <br />Company to which the Insured did not <br />consent. <br />Payment of 1., 2. and 3., above, is the limit of the <br />Company's liability under this Policy on any <br />Claim in which the Insured fails or refuses to <br />consent to the Company's settlement <br />recommendation, subject at all times to the Limits <br />of Liability and Deductible provisions. The <br />remaining twenty-five percent (25%) of Loss and <br />Claims Expenses in excess of the amount <br />referenced in 1. and 2., above, shall be the <br />obligation of the Insured. <br />B. All Insureds agree to cooperate with the <br />Company, and provide such assistance and <br />information as the Company may reasonably <br />request. Upon the Company's request, any <br />Insured shall submit to examination and <br />interrogation by a representative of the <br />Company, under oath if required, and shall <br />attend hearings, depositions, trials and shall <br />SP (07-09) <br />assist in the conduct of suits, including but not <br />limited to effecting settlement, securing and <br />giving evidence, obtaining the attendance of <br />witnesses, giving written statements to the <br />Company's representatives and meeting with <br />such representatives for the purpose of <br />investigation and/or defense, all of the above <br />without charge to the Company. All Insureds <br />further agree not to take any action which may <br />increase any Insured's or the Company's <br />exposure for Claims Expense or Loss. <br />All Insureds shall execute all papers required <br />and shall do everything that may be necessary to <br />secure and preserve any rights of indemnity, <br />contribution or apportionment which an Insured <br />or the Company may have, including the <br />execution of such documents as are necessary to <br />enable the Company to bring suit in an <br />Insured's name, and shall provide all other <br />assistance and cooperation which the Company <br />may reasonably require. <br />An Insured shall not demand or agree to <br />arbitration of any Claim without the written <br />consent of the Company. An Insured shall not, <br />except at personal cost, make any offer or <br />payment, admit any liability, settle any Claim, <br />assume any obligation, or incur any expense <br />without the Company's written consent. <br />VI. LIMITS OF LIABILITY AND DEDUCTIBLE <br />Regardless of the number of Insureds under this <br />Policy, Claim(s) made or brought on account of <br />Wrongful Act(s) or otherwise, the Company's <br />liability is limited as follows: <br />A. For Claims arising under Section I.A. of this <br />Policy, the Limit of Liability specified in the Policy <br />Declarations as the ANNUAL AGGREGATE shall <br />be the maximum liability for Loss for all Claims; <br />B. For Claims arising under Section I.A. of this <br />Policy, the Limit of Liability specified in the Policy <br />Declarations as the Limit for EACH CLAIM shall <br />be the maximum liability for Loss for each Claim; <br />C. For Claims arising under Section I.B. of this <br />Policy, subject to the ANNUAL AGGREGATE <br />Limit of Liability specified in the Policy <br />Declarations, the Limit of Liability for the total of <br />Loss plus Claims Expense shall not exceed <br />$25,000. <br />D. For Claims arising under Section I.A. of this <br />Policy, Claims Expenses shall be in addition to <br />the LIMITS OF LIABILITY as shown in the Policy <br />Declarations. <br />E. The DEDUCTIBLE amount stated in the Policy <br />Declarations shall apply to Loss and Claims <br />Expenses and shall apply to each and every <br />Claim. The Company shall only be liable to pay, <br />subject to the Limits of Liahility provisions stated <br />above, for Loss plus ClafR oLLu <br />REmemm 6 APPROVED Br <br />Risk Management Analyst <br />