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<br />Orozco, Norma <br />From:RYan Hughes <> <br />Sent:Tuesday, September 07, 2021 2:32 PM <br />To:eComment <br />Subject:Santa Ana: Pass a climate and public health emergency resolution <br />Follow Up Flag:Follow up <br />Flag Status:Flagged <br />Dear Greedy Asshole, <br /> <br />QUIT FUCKING AROUND AND PASS SOME GOD DAMN CLIMATE LEGISLATION!!!!!!!!!! Your generation sold the future of <br />OUR planet to the big oil (through corporate greed and campaign finance donations) and you REFUSE to do anything <br />about it!!!! Its MIND BLOWING how Our politicians are literally putting their own best interests in front of OUR RIGHT <br />TO LIVE!! This is the most impactful situation man kind has ever encountered and the US government (who is supposed <br />to protect its people) aren't doing SHIT ABOUT IT!!! DO SOMETHING ALREADY!!!! DO SOMETHING ALREADY!!! The <br />unwillingness to act on climate change shows how truly sociopathic the United States Government has become. Do <br />something about this or you will forever doom the planet......All for personal greed. <br /> <br />This is why Capitalism eventually consumes society...because profits matter more than lives and it promotes antisocial <br />behavior. The most ruthless sociopaths end up controlling the country. These pathetic people will lie cheat and steal for <br />their own personal gain. They have no morals and care about no one but themselves. Its DISGUSTING that average <br />citizens have to beg the government to ensure that our children will actually have the right to live on this planet. The <br />BOOMERS have consumed all the natural resources and now leave us the scraps. There will be a price to pay for all that <br />ignore or work against the climate change movement. <br /> <br />The world is starting to open its eyes to the blatant corruption and Antisocial behavior within the American Political <br />System <br /> <br />Fuck You Idiots, <br />DO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <br />RYan Hughes, 92614 <br />1 <br />