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pRUJUcTyr <br />1 Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act (WIOA) <br />Oa fiI <OlNty <br />Santa Ana Workforce Development Board: Youth Service Provider <br />17. Fiscal Competency (1 page max) <br />A. Describe the process used to capture and report fiscal data. <br />Project Kinship is fiscally sponsored by Charitable Ventures of Orange County (CVOC). All <br />expenditures are entered into Quick Books and reconciled by individual program budgets and <br />approved line items. The CVOC Controller ensures accounting controls and internal monitoring <br />processes comply with federally stipulated principles (GAAP). The Director of Operations <br />ensures invoices are appropriately charged and fiscal reports are submitted within deadline. <br />B. Attach a copy of the organ ization's procurement policies and procedures as Attachment I. <br />See attached copy of the agency's Procurement and Purchasing Policy in Attachment I. <br />C. Whatsystems ensure fiscal accountability, appropriate expenditures, and planned costs. <br />The Operations Coordinator is charged with procurement and purchasing. He conducts a <br />three -bid research process prior to preparing a purchase order. Purchase orders are approved <br />by the Workforce Program Manager, Director of Operations, and Controller prior to a purchase <br />to ensure expenditures are aligned with the budget and participants' ISP or ICP goals. <br />D. Describe invoicing process and list qualifications of staff assigned to task. <br />The Workforce Program Manager, Operation Coordinator, Bookkeeper, Director of <br />Operations, and Controller serve as a checks and balance system to ensure expenditures are <br />allowable, aligned with the budget, and fiscally responsible. The Bookkeeper, who has over ten <br />years of accounting experience, uses Quick Books to prepare the monthly invoices. The <br />Controller, who is a CPA, works with the Director of Operations, who has over 15 years of <br />contract monitoring experience, to ensure invoices are prepared to avoid any disallowed costs. <br />E. Describe how your organization's financial stability is not dependent on WIOA funds. <br />Asthe fiscal agent, CVOC monitors cash flow, accounts receivable, accounts payable, <br />and payroll projections. Project Kinship has both reimbursement -based grants and full award - <br />based grants. CVOC ensures that Project Kinship remains in healthy fiscal standing to cover for <br />any delayed reimbursements. CVOC passes their independent audit without findings each year. <br />F. Identify the percentage of budget that will go directly to youth versus the percentage of <br />overhead and administrative costs. <br />The proposed budget will include 10%for administrative costs (Indirect Rate); 45%for <br />Personnel and Benefits (both the Case Manager and Job Developer provide direct service); 3% <br />for Operational Expenses (office supplies, staff training, staff conferences, mileage); and 42% <br />for wages, supportive services (enrolled and follow-up), incentives, and youth conferences. <br />G. Submit most recent 2 years of audited financial statements as Attachment T & U with the <br />Audited Financial Statement Form signed (Attachment S). <br />See attached copy of the agency's last two years of financial audits and IRS Form 990. <br />H. Please include 1 budget form and 1 budget narrative for PY2020.2021. <br />See attached copy of the proposed budget and budget narrative for PY 2020-2021. <br />