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AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION <br />STATE OF CALIFORNIA, ) <br />) ss. <br />County of Orange ) <br />1 am a citizen of the United States and a resident <br />of the County aforesaid; I am over the age of <br />eighteen years, and not a party to or interested in <br />the above entitled matter. I am the principal clerk <br />of The Orange County Register, a newspaper <br />of general circulation, published in the city of <br />Santa Ana, County of Orange, and which <br />news -paper has been adjudged to be a newspaper <br />of general circulation by the Superior Court of <br />the County of Orange, State of California, under <br />the date of November 19, 1905, Case No. <br />A-21046, that the notice, of which the annexed is <br />a true printed copy, has been published in each <br />regular and entire issue of said newspaper and <br />not in any supplement thereof on the following <br />dates, to wit: <br />March 27, 2021, April 3, 2021 <br />"I certify (or declare) under the penalty of <br />perjury under the laws of the State of California <br />that the foregoing is true and correct": <br />Executed at Santa Ana, Orange County, <br />California, on <br />Date: April 3, 2021 <br />Signature <br />The OranYwne <br />ounty Register <br />2190 S. Centre Pl. <br />Anaheim, CA 92806 <br />IIIIIII IIII IIIII IIIII ilill lull lull lllil 11 11 l llll lllli lull lull llli 11 l 3�- <br />*A000005686512* <br />PUBLIC <br />NOTICE OI <br />UNCLAIME <br />MONEY HEI <br />BY CITY OI <br />SANTA AN, <br />This is a Pt <br />notice that <br />City of Santa <br />("City").is in'. <br />session of cer <br />refundable r <br />ies in conne( <br />with the fol <br />ins list noted <br />low in the <br />amount of:, <br />proximat <br />$241,,43A. <br />These deposl <br />are no'longe <br />file with the C <br />The above fi <br />w• e r <br />collected/rec <br />d by the_ Cit <br />Santa Ana. ' <br />funds have I <br />deposited <br />the City's'dl <br />nated finar <br />institutio <br />funds as li <br />below <br />claimed 7 <br />ies"). Pursuai <br />Governm <br />Code sec <br />50050 et seq., <br />TION <br />■ <br />lc ■ <br />ie <br />is <br />s- <br />in <br />n- <br />in <br />N- <br />e- <br />al <br />P= <br />y <br />n- <br />n- <br />to <br />t <br />)n <br />is <br />on Moy,418, <br />Anyone who Chas <br />a legal claimtto <br />the Unclaimed <br />Monies 'must"•:file <br />a written claim <br />with the 'city <br />Treasurer .o6 or <br />before Moy*t.118, <br />2021, . at thei_—bd= <br />dress provided <br />below. The claim <br />must identifyAthe <br />name of the <br />claimant, the <br />claimant's !cur- <br />rent.address:and <br />phone nurri6br, <br />the amount <br />claimed, andUhe <br />grounds on which <br />the claim >y is <br />founded. -The <br />City Treasurer <br />has the right»fo <br />demand, further <br />Proof of identity <br />and other facts to <br />establish "any <br />claim, and rii'av <br />accept or reiect a <br />claim. If :the <br />claim is reiected, <br />the claimant <br />may file a verk <br />fled complaint <br />seeking to recov- <br />er all, or a desig- <br />nated Part, of;;the <br />Unclaimed Mon- <br />ies in a courti.of <br />competent lu,rls- <br />diction withim'or- <br />ange County�ohd <br />serve a copy*of <br />the complaint <br />and summons <br />upon the City <br />Treasurer. 4 A <br />copy of the com- <br />plaint ;and sum- <br />mons must' `be <br />served within <br />