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Module 7: Weights and Measures <br />The student will use the metric system in measuring accurately the intake and output and fluid balance, <br />fluid intake, fluid output, forcing and restricting fluids. Measuring resident's height and weight in the bed or <br />upright scale. The student will learn to understand the Metric system, by weight, length and liquid volume. <br />The student will also learn military time i.e. a twenty-four (24) hour clock. <br />Module 8: Patient Care Skills <br />During this module, the student learns the proper procedure for bathing patients and medicinal baths, <br />dressing and undressing oral hygiene with their own teeth, dentures or to unconscious residents, hair care <br />combing and shampooing nail care, shaving. The assistance with prosthetic devices, skin care including <br />Decubitus ulcers, elimination needs, bowel and bladder retraining, weights and measuring the patient. <br />Module 9: Patient Care Procedures <br />During this module, the student learns how to collect specimens, including stool, urine and sputum. <br />Students learn to care for patients with tubing to include but not limited to gastric, oxygen, urinary, and <br />intravenous (IV). (This care does not include inserting, suctioning or changing the tubes). Student also <br />learns meaning of intake and output (1&0), bed making, cleansing enemas, laxative suppositories, <br />admission, transfer and discharge, bandages and non -sterile dry dressings, application of non -legend <br />topical ointments to intact skin surfaces. <br />Module 10: Vital Signs <br />The student will learn the purpose of Vital factors affecting the vital signs, Normal ranges, methods of <br />measuring the temperature, pulse and respiration and blood pressure... Learn abnormalities of vital sign <br />and, recording the proper documentation. <br />Module 11 Nutrition <br />The student learns the Principles of Basic Nutrition, Basic Four Food Groups, Religious Dietary Restrictions, <br />The Four Major Types of Nutrients, The Importance of Water, Nutrient and Calorie Needs, Assessing <br />Nutrition, Good vs Poor, Regular and Special (Therapeutic) Diets, Therapeutic Diets that Eliminate, Restrict, <br />or Change the Proportion of Foods or Nutrients, Therapeutic Diet that are Served in 4 Particular Forms, <br />Supplemental Food and Fluids, Principles of Fluid Balance, Nursing Assistant's Responsibility Relating to <br />Client's Diet, Planning a Menu and Shopping List, Purchasing Food Wisely, Storing Food Properly, Feeding <br />techniques for the patient, Food Preparation and diet therapy. <br />Module 12: Emergency Procedure <br />During this module, the student will learn signs and symptoms of distress, immediate and temporary <br />intervention and emergency codes and procedures, general safety rules, fire and disaster plans, the roles <br />and procedures for Certified Nurse Assistants, and patient safety and emergency including overview of <br />CPR and first aid for choking resident. <br />Module 13: Long Term Care <br />During this module, the student learns the needs of persons with retardation, Alzheimer's, cerebral palsy, <br />epilepsy, dementia, and mental illness. General anatomy and terminology, physical and behavioral needs <br />and changes, community resources available, psychological, social, and recreational needs, common <br />disease/disorders including signs and symptoms. <br />Module 14: Rehabilitative Nursing <br />