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Public Comment Regarding Santa Ana Rent Control Hearing- Continental Mobilehome Park <br />October 5, 2021 <br />Pg. 2 <br />• Many current electrical systems won't support expanding appliance and <br />computing needs of seniors, stay at home workers, and growing families. <br />■ Stagnant facilities and systems prohibit the replacement of obsolete unsafe <br />homes with energy efficient newer home. <br />But I buried the lead. As demonstrated by the hostilities expressed in your hearings, rent <br />control pulls communities apart. It destroys any incentive landlords and mobilehome <br />owners have to cooperate, dialogue, or work together to maintain and improve <br />mobilehome parks as "communities" and "neighborhoods". You wouldn't pass a law <br />that so constricts other business owners (restaurants, retail stores, repair services, etc.) <br />that they have incentive to care about their customers. <br />To summarize, rent control ruins communities and eventually prices seniors and families needing <br />affordable housing out of the market. <br />James Joffe <br />President <br />DRE# 00710270 <br />J&H Asset Property Mgt. Inc. <br />22880 Savi Ranch Parkway • Yorba Linda, CA 92887-4610 e (714) 974-0397 <br />