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<br /> Resolution No. 2021-03 <br />Page 7 of 7 <br />8. Applicant must construct a minimum six-foot high perimeter block wall for the side <br />and rear property lines for the proposed parcels. <br /> <br />9. Prior to final occupancy, the applicant shall provide a bronze plaque honoring and <br />recognizing Douglas “Wrong Way” Corrigan, the notable American aviator. The <br />plaque shall be located within the first three feet of the front yard of one of the three <br />new lots, and within view of the public right-of-way. The bronze plaque shall include <br />an image depicting Douglas Corrigan or aviation related (e.g., monoplane). The <br />final image, text and description on the plaque shall be reviewed and approved by <br />planning staff. <br /> <br />