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in the Agreement. <br />G. Failure to Cooperate with Audits. Failure to complete, perform or <br />cooperate with any audit as described by this Agreement. <br />H. Failure to Submit Reports or Documentation. Failure to complete or to <br />provide required reports or documents to City as required by this Agreement. <br />I. Acts or Omissions. <br />A. Any act or omission by Contractor relative to the services provided <br />under this Agreement which violates the terms, conditions, or requirements of <br />this Agreement, the California Integrated Waste Management Act of 1989, as it <br />may be amended from time to time (AB 939), or any law, statute, ordinance, <br />order, directive, rule, or regulation issued pursuant to AB 939 shall constitute a <br />default by the Contractor. Any failure to correct or remedy any such violation <br />within the time set in the written notice of the violation or, if Contractor cannot <br />reasonably correct or remedy the breach within the time set forth in such notice, <br />Contractor's failure to commence to correct or remedy such violation within the <br />time set forth in such notice and diligently effect such correction or remedy <br />thereafter shall constitute a default by Contractor. <br />B. Any situation in which Contractor or any of its officers, directors or <br />employees are found guilty of any crime related to the performance of this <br />Agreement, or of any crime related to anti-trust activities, illegal transport or <br />Disposal of hazardous or toxic materials, or bribery of public officials shall <br />constitute a default by Contractor. The term "found guilty" shall be deemed to <br />include any judicial determination that Contractor or any of Contractor's officers, <br />directors or employees is guilty as well as any admission of guilt by Contractor <br />or any of Contractor's officers, directors or employees including, but not limited <br />to, the plea of "guilty", "nolo contendre", "no contest", and "guilty to a lesser <br />charge." <br />J. False or Misleading Statements. Any representation or disclosure made <br />to City by Contractor in connection with or as an inducement to entering into this <br />Agreement, or any future amendment to this Agreement, which proves to be false or <br />misleading in any material respect as of the time such representation or disclosure is <br />made, whether or not any such representation or disclosure appears as part of this <br />August 17, 2021 160 City of Santa Ana <br />