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consideration at such meeting in connection with the proposed rate adjustment. At any time from and after the date <br />that the County provides the City with the County Report, upon the request of either party, the City and County shall <br />meet and confer in good faith to resolve any dispute that may arise regarding the proposed adjustment to the <br />Contract Rate. In any such meeting, the County shall be represented by the Director of the Department or his or her <br />designee. In the event the Board of Supervisors approves all or a portion of the proposed rate adjustment, such rate <br />adjustment shall become effective on the date identified in the initial notice sent by the County regardless of whether <br />or not the procedures in Section 4.2(J) are utilized, but subject to potential reimbursement pursuant to clause (11) of <br />Section 4.2(J). <br />(J) Procedure for Exoedi[ed Judicial Review of Contested Rare Adi ct ant. In the event <br />that, within 30 days after the effective date of any Contract Rate adjustment made pursuant to Section 4.2(f), <br />Participating Cities which, in the aggregate, accounted for more than 50% of the County Acceptable Waste <br />delivered to the County System in the twelve months preceding the Contract Rate adjustment, provide notice to the <br />County of their election to utilize the procedures described in this Section 4.2(J), then the provisions of this <br />Section 4.2(J) shall be utilized by such Participating Cities and the County to resolve the dispute over the Contract <br />Rate Adjustment. In the event that Participating Cities which have delivered the amount of waste contemplated in <br />the preceding sentence do not provide notice to the County of such election, the County shall have no obligation to <br />participate in or cooperate in the implementation of the procedures described below in this Section 4.20). <br />(1) In order to pursue the expedited judicial determination described in this Section <br />(the 'Expedited Rate Determination"), the Participating Cities which have made the election described in the <br />paragraph above (the "Challenging Cities") must commence a civil action for breach of contract (the "Action") in <br />the Orange County Superior Court within 45 days of the date on which the Board of Supervisors approves the <br />challenged adjustment to the Contract Rate. <br />(2) Within two (2) days of filing the Action, the Challenging Cities shall personally <br />serve on the County Counsel both the summons and complaint, and a stipulation and request for the entering of an <br />order incorporating all of the procedural provisions relating to the Expedited Rate Determination as set forth in this <br />Section 4.2(J) (such stipulation and request for order is hereinafter referred to as the "Expedited Rate Determination <br />Stipulation"), The Expedited Rate Determination Stipulation shall be signed by each of the Challenging Cities. <br />(3) Within fifteen (15) days of the date of service upon the County of the summons <br />and complaint, and Expedited Rate Determination Stipulation, the County Counsel shall execute the Expedited Rate <br />Determination Stipulation and personally serve upon the Challenging Cities through their counsel of record the <br />Expedited Rate Determination Stipulation and its answer to the complaint in the Action. The Stipulation shall also <br />include a waiver by each of the parties of their right to a jury trial of the issues raised in the Action. The City and <br />the County mutually agree that the duly to execute the Expedited Rate Determination Stipulation and comply with <br />the procedures set forth for Expedited Rate Determination in this Section 4.2(J) shalt be, and are hereby deemed to <br />be, ministerial duties which the law specifically enjoins upon each of them, and shall be subject to enforcement by <br />the parties herein pursuant to Code of Civil Procedure Section 1085, el seq., or by means of a complaint for specific <br />performance. <br />(4) Within three (3) days of the date of service by the County upon the Challenging <br />Cities of the fully signed Expedited Rate Determination Stipulation, the County and the Challenging Cities shall <br />jointly make ex pane application to the Orange County Superior Court in the Action for the issuance of the order <br />contained in the Expedited Rate Determination Stipulation, At such ex parte application, the County and the <br />Challenging Cities shall also seek to confirm with the Orange County Superior Court the briefing schedule, and <br />request a hearing date in accordance with the procedures set forth in this Section 4.2(J). <br />(5) Within ten (10) days of the date of service by the County upon the Challenging <br />Cities of the answer in the Expedited Rate Determination, the Challenging Cities shall file with the court and <br />personally serve upon the County the Challenging Cities' opening brief and the Record in the Expedited Rate <br />Determination. The opening brief shall not exceed 15 pages in length. The Record shall consist of, and be limited <br />to, the record of the proceedings before the Board of Supervisors with respect to the adjustment of the Contract Rate, <br />including but not limited to the County Report and the City Report prepared by each or any of the Challenging <br />Cities pursuant to Section 4.2(1), any materials filed or lodged with the Board of Supervisors and the Orange County <br />lixcculion Copy 19 <br />August 17, 2021 6 - 28 City of Santa Ana <br />