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Tobacco Retail Licensing and Youth Product Use <br />Roee L. Astor, Robert Urman, Jessica L. Barrington-Trimis, Kiros Berhane, Jane <br />Steinberg, Michael Cousineau, Adam M. Leventhal, Jennifer B. Unger, Tess Cruz, <br />Mary Ann Pentz, Jonathan M. Samet and Rob McConnell <br />Pediatrics 2019;143; <br />DOI: 10. 1 542/peds.2017-3536 originally published online January 7, 2019; <br />Updated Information & including high resolution figures, can be found at <br />Services <br /> <br />References <br />This article cites 23 articles, 6 of which you can access for free at: <br />http://pediatrics. aappublications. org/content/ 143/2/e2O l73536#BIBL <br />Subspecialty Collections <br />This article, along with others on similar topics, appears in the <br />following collection(s): <br />Substance Use <br /> abuse sub <br />Smoking <br /> sub <br />Public Health <br /> health —sub <br />Permissions & Licensing <br />Information about reproducing this article in parts (figures, tables) or <br />in its entirety can be found online at: <br /> <br />Reprints <br />Information about ordering reprints can be found online: <br /> <br />f <br />American Academy of Pediatrics <br />DEDICATED TO THE HEALTH OF ALL CHILDREN- <br />Downloaded from by guest on May 7, 2019 <br />