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Keck School of <br />Medicine of USC Flavor and Menthol Tobacco Products and E-cigarettes <br />References <br />1. Barrington-Trimis JL, Urman R, Leventhal AM, Gauderman WJ, Cruz TB, Gilreath TD, et al. E-cigarettes, cigarettes, and the prevalence of adolescent tobacco use. <br />Pediatrics. 2016;138(2). 20153983.pdf <br />2. Leventhal AM, Strong DR, Sussman S, Kirkpatrick MG, Unger JB, Barrington -TrimisJL, et al. Psychiatric comorbidity in adolescent electronic and conventional cigarette <br />use. Journal of psychiatric research. 2016;73:71-& <br />3. Barrington-Trimis JL, Leventhal AM. Adolescents' use of "Pod Mod" e-cigarettes-urgent concerns. New England Journal of Medicine. 2018;379(12):1099-102. <br />4. Jackler RK, Ramamunhi D. Unicorns cartoons: marketing sweet and creamy a -juice to youth. Tobacco control. 2017;26(4):471-5. <br />5. Kong G, Morean ME, Cavallo DA, Camenga DR, Krishnan -Sarin S. 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Drug and alcohol <br />dependence, 163, 261-264. <br />tResearch conducted outside of USC *Both USC and Outside Research Updated 5/22/2019 <br />